Family? (& Romance?)

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It's been a month now and I've been assigned with cleaning out my father's files. Fury was going to have another agent do it but I volunteered to. While I'm clearing them out, I figured I might be able to learn more about him.

I move through the documents of his early life. His birth certificate, achievements, etc. I threw everything away but the birth certificate. The certificate held so many memories of the stories he'd tell me about his birth.

Apparently his mom went into labor while at a restaurant. He was born early, so she didn't see it coming. The nearest hospital was two hours away, so a group of people helped her deliver the baby in the back room. It was a miracle and in tons of newspapers (which were also in his files). Dad said that the story made him want to help people, causing him to join S.H.I.E.L.D. (in addition to Captain America of course).

I continue to skim through the documents. I stop abruptly when I hear a sound behind me.

"I wouldn't step any closer if I were you," I say threateningly. I slowly pull on my gloves that will enhance the ice just in case I need to fight.

"Hannah?" a familiar voice asks, "it's me, Steve." I turn around to see that it is him and relax immediately.

I take off my gloves and rub my hands on my jeans to warm them up. "What can I do for you, Cap?" I question.

What could he possibly need me for? He's obviously capable of handling himself. I mean, he is super strong and nice and authoritative, and...

What am I thinking of? I shake my head to clear my thoughts and get back to the documents while he talks.

"Are these Agent Coulson's documents?" he asks, leaning towards me to look at them.

"Yeah. He really loved you, y'know. You really inspired him to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and help people," I explain sadly, thinking of my dad.

"Well I was wondering if I could see some of the stuff, maybe to learn more about the man he was?" he proposed.

"I'm trying to sort them out," I start, "but I don't see how it would hur..." I pause my sentence, looking down at my birth certificate and adoption certificate stapled together. He never let me look at them, worried it would bring back bad memories.

"It's here!" I cheer, jumping up and grabbing Steve's hands. "I can finally find my family!"

He looks confused, grabbing the papers out of my hand. "You were adopted by Phil and never told me? I'm so sorry," he apologizes with a serious tone. I'm far too busy celebrating this amazing find to care though.

"You don't get it Steve! I can find some family now! I thought I was all alone in the world with nobody left but I might not be now!" I exclaim. I grab back the papers and sit down at my laptop. Steve doesn't leave though, he stays right with me.

I look at my shaky hands holding the certificate. It says my mom was Meredith Quill. I look it up, but only find an obituary about her online. I sigh.

"Why not try finding your dad?" Steve asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and look down at the paper again. The spot where my dad's signature is supposed to be... nothing's there. I can't believe that all of my family is gone. I was far to caught up in the thought of having a loving family.

I look up at him, tears brimming my eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so excited. It just doesn't make sense. My dad must not have been there for my birth."

"Go back to the obituary," he suggests, "maybe there's a distant relative of yours still alive."

I follow his instructions. It turns out I had two siblings, but both are believed to have fallen into a river and drowned. No body has been found for either of the young kids (even though they were supposed to have been my older siblings). My mother passed away right after giving birth to me, which explains why I don't have any memories of her. It appears that my grandfather, though, is still alive.

"Maybe all my answers lie with my grandfather?" I ask.

Steve nods, "he must know something about your dad. You should call him and see if you can meet up with him. Take this from someone with no more family, Hannah. Family is the most important thing. You need to find somebody and some answers." he encourages.

"Okay. Thank you Steve," I thank, and hug him. I grab a handful of my dad's files and give him them.

"Good luck." he says, then walks out of the room. I look down at my phone, take a deep breath, then call the number. It rings twice before someone picks up.

"Hello?" an older man's voice asks.

"Uhm hi. Is this Greg Quill?" I ask, unsure of my decision to call.

"Yes it is. Who's calling?" the man confirms, relieving me.

"I think I'm your granddaughter. My name is Hannah Coulson, originally Hannah Quill. My mother was Meredith Quill?" I try to explain over the phone. This is so awkward.

"Yes... I-I..."

"I'd like to ask you some questions some time if that's alright," I cut him off.

"Absolutely. Whenever you're ready. I live in Missouri, though, so whenever you can make it here..."

"I'll be there in an hour. Where do you live exactly?" I ask, then talk into my headset, "somebody please prepare a helicopter for liftoff."

"2380 Oakwood Drive St. Louis, Missouri."

"Alright, I'll see you soon then." I state then hang up. I have no clue how to act around new family, so I figure the business attitude will work.

I travel through the halls towards the 'garage'. I freeze in my tracks (haha freeze) when I see Cap in one of the office rooms. I knock slightly on the door then walk in.

"Took your advice," I say, grabbing his attention from the files, "I'm flying down to Missouri to see my grandpa."

"When are you going?" he asks, looking up at me.

"In about two minutes. I'm flying a helicopter down," I reply, looking up at the clock.

I begin to walk out of the room, but not before I hear Steve yell, "tell me how it goes!"

"I will!" I shout back then continue walking. I can feel a slight blush on my face but try to hide it. That's ridiculous. Him liking me. There's so many more important things to worry about.

I hop into the helicopter and take off. Fury lets me get away with nearly everything, even stealing a chopper. I've been trained how to fly nearly all the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles, and I never get lost thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s navigation technology.

I continue flying, listening to music on my iPod until I make my way to Missouri. I slow down and lower the helicopter once I get on Oakwood Drive. Once I get to the house, I land the chopper in the yard and get out. This must look really odd, but I do this type of business all the time.

I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. I firmly knock on it a few times. The house looks nice but small and I can hear a television going on inside. The volume of the TV is turned down, and I can hear heavy footsteps approach the door. I hear the lock being turned and watch as the door is slowly pulled open.

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