Heartbreak (Civil War Part 4)

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I'm woken by the sunlight glaring in my eyes. It's absolutely unbearable... wait that's not sunlight. I rub my eyes some more until I can open them enough to clearly see I'm in the hospital.

I look around and I can't help but see that Brooke is next to me. "Why do I always have to come see you after you get hurt? I thought our brother was the stupid one," she says, grinning.

I can't even make up a funny remark because my head hurts so bad. I groan out: "Where are Bucky and Steve?"

She shakes her head "They escaped. I'm sorry. Tony's trying to track them but we don't know where they are." She pauses. "Until we find out I think they him and Natasha are in the other room whenever you feel ready to get up."

I sigh, trying to muster the strength to even stand up. Damn, drowning is not fun. Once I get up, Brooke grabs my arm for support and escorts me down the steps to the room where Natasha and Tony are waiting.

"So they got away," I break the silence, shaking my head. Tony and Nat both turn to look at me.

"Yeah, and McKenzie too from what I can tell. I guess she really wanted to look after her man." Tony jokes. I can't help but roll my eyes. I'm just really not in the mood for jokes today. Tony can sense this I guess, because he immediately gets serious again. "Well, we might have a lead. I may or may not have bugged Cap's shield when they took it from him, and I think Sharon is off to deliver it to him."

I'm honestly surprised that Tony even thought to do this, but hopeful. "Now this could be a dead-end," he warns. He pulls up an image on the screen "but, it's definitely in someone's car right now." The screen is black so I don't know how he knows it's in a car. I can't even hear anything from the video. Tony seems to sense my skepticism. "Okay so I know the screen is black right now but earlier it showed somebody putting the shield in the trunk," he explains, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Now if I were you I'd sign the Accords. It'd get you out of a lot of trouble, and we're still willing to negotiate with Cap." Tony offers, smiling.

"Tony," Natasha warns. She seems to realize that I'm not in the state for negotiating at the moment.

I shake my head. "I don't know Tony, I need more convincing than that." I pause for a moment to think. "Plus I'm not in the mindset for that right now. I almost just died if you don't recall."

Suddenly the camera showing the shield footage turns bright. The trunk has been opened I guess. Tony was right it was a trunk... by golly. This may be the first time ever. I take a seat next to Nat and watch the footage silently. Steve, Sam, and Bucky are in the car, luckily all safe Sharon is standing over the trunk as Steve walks over to her. He's saying something but of course Tony didn't hook a microphone to the camera, so I can't hear anything.

Out of nowhere, Steve leans forward and kisses Sharon. Wow I don't know how to respond I don't even know what to say in this situation I just never pictured with Steve... I can only sit there closed mouth staring at the screen. Sharon pushes Steve away and Tony immediately shuts the screen off. "Hannah..." he starts, apologetically.

"No, Tony. Turn it back on." I order. "I want to see this." Tony freezes, obviously not wanting to watch my heart break into a million pieces but turns it back on. The shield is now firmly in Steve's hands being carried back to the car. I decide to keep the footage running, praying that it's Johnny, being the ladies man he is before I jump to any conclusions. And then I see. The corner of his shirt pulls up as he gets into the car to reveal a tiny snowflake tattoo.

It's him. I shake my head in disgust, trying to fuel my anger instead of my sadness so that I won't break down on everyone in the room. "Where are they headed?" I ask.

Tony grabs my arm, holding me into place and forcing me into an embrace. I eventually give in and rest my head on his shoulder. "We aren't sure yet but we'll find out. Hannah, I need you to know I didn't mean for this to happen," he whispers, holding my cheeks to look him in the eyes, trying to comfort me. I can't help but let a tear roll down my cheek.

"I guess I'll be signing the Accords now," I whisper. Tony pulls away from me gently to grab them and Brooke is immediately by my side to show her support. We both sign the accords, and honestly I'm shocked but glad Brooke is willing to sign for me.

After signing, we both walk out of the room trying to find something to eat. Gosh, I haven't eaten in hours. Or has it been days? This is what the stress has done to me. Brooke follows me through the halls of the building, trying to do anything to comfort me. She doesn't talk, but just her presence helps me feel better.

Once we sit she finally shakes her head. "I don't even... I can't believe I mean I knew Steve was uptight I just... never thought..."

I shake my head, unable to respond. Everett Ross walks by, stopping at our table with a cup of tea, which he sets down and passes over my way. "I'm really glad that you decided to sign the Accords, although I'm sorry about what pushed that to happen.

I rub my temples, taking a sip of the tea. "So does everyone know about this?"

"I, uh, I just saw the footage. I'm glad you're on board though. I think you might actually be the push that it takes to get this whole thing settled without anybody getting hurt." Brooke glares him down. "Bad choice of words, I'm sorry. If there's anything you need, let me know." He tells us, before walking away awkwardly.

I can barely even get a bite of my food in before Tony comes to interrupt us once more. "So I found out where he's going," he smiles. I don't know why he's so happy, but I go with it. "He's going to an airport in Germany, and we're gonna stop him."

"Who is we? Me, you, and Brooke? Stopping two super-soldiers and one of the military's best? We're gonna need back-up," I tell him.

I now understand why he's been smiling. "I have back-up alright. Get suited up."

//: So I didn't have time to write, so I spoke what I wanted to write to my phone. I kind of like the authentic feeling it gives it though! If anything is wrong, that's why though. Sorry for a depressing chapter though

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