Catching Up (& Missions)

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"I froze my apartment so I'm up here by the way. Some stuff has come up with me too. You first though," I stammer out, taking a seat at his dining room table. He sits next to me, facing me.

"Well you know how I was in DC on a mission?" He asks. I nod. "While I was on the mission... I ran into... someone."

The first thought that came to my mind was "SHARON" but I chose to ignore it, hoping she had not tried to get to Steve like she did with Grant.

"Long hair, powerful and strong, ...intense. I got thrown off Hannah. I-" he explains, holding his cut face in his hands. All I can think about is Sharon now. She's powerful, strong, and has long-ish hair. The word "intense" throws me for a loop though. The only way he could know how intense she was is if he cheated on me.

"It's okay Steve," I whisper, grabbing onto his arm lightly, trying to stop the tears from forming in my eyes.

"I couldn't..." he sniffs, "I couldn't hurt him. I had no choice but to let it happen. I guess I'm not as strong as we all thought I was..." Only now do I realize that I had it all wrong. Who is this guy he's talking about? How did he weaken Steve so much? It scared me to see him so sad and low. 

"Shhhhh," I hush, rubbing his back, "who was it Steve?" I ask in a soft tone. 

"I-it was B-bucky. He must have survived the fall. But he didn't remember me, or his past, or even his own name. He was taken by HYDRA and memory-wiped. I couldn't fight him, and now I have no clue where he's at," he whimpers, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, we'll find him and bring him back. That's a promise," I comfort, looking up at him with a small smile. He returns with a weak one.

"So you said that you heard some news that you wanted to tell me too?" he questions,  directing all of his attention to me. I tremble a little, unsure how he'll take the news.

"...Thor's back." I state, planning on ending it there, but guilt pulls me over. "But that's not it. When he came home he said that he went on this journey with Loki and apparently Loki died... but not before telling Thor that Brooke and I were his... daughters." I add, trying not to let icy tears fall down. One dribbles down anyways. "I have no clue how you'll take it because I don't even know how to take it. I'm scared Steve. I'm terrified of myself and what everyone will think."

"You're still the same person that I met a few months ago. And we don't have to tell anyone else right now if you don't want to," Steve suggests. "Oh, hey Brooke!" he adds, taking note of my sister sitting on the couch in the other room.

"Oh hi Steve! You guys looked pretty intense over there, so I figured I'd sit here and be single. Hey, by chance have you ever watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it is quite amazing!" she exclaims.

"I'll have to put it on the list," he explains, taking out a little booklet where a bunch of different names of fandoms, movies, and music are scribbled on.

"Also you need to listen to the Beatles. And it wouldn't hurt to watch The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, and Ghostbusters. Also I'm sure you need to watch Footloose," Brooke lists off.

"Footloose? What's that?" Steve asks, confusedly writing the whole list of things Brooke suggested into the notebook.

"Well it's this movie and in it a great hero named Kevin Bacon teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing, well, it's the greatest thing there is. At least that's how my brother explains it. Most of the things I'm suggesting to you are totally irrelevant by the way because I was only on Earth for a few years," she mentions. Steve gives an overwhelmed face and I can't help but butt into the conversation.

A Frozen Love (A MCU Captain America Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now