Lunch With Friends... And Tony

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I push the down button anxiously on the elevator about 12 times. I'm going out to lunch to hang out with McKenzie for the first time in quite a while.

The elevator finally comes and opens up, and I step in next to Tony. "You look nice," he states.

"I'm going out to lunch with an old friend. Never really know what to wear to these things..." I explain.

"Oooo lunch. I'm going with you," he decides, inviting himself.

"Fine but you're driving. We're going to that one place on 47th, I can't remember the name." I hop into the passenger seat of his Ferrari and put on my seatbelt, then my sunglasses.

"You might wanna hold on. I'm a bit of a speedy driver," he suggests.

I laugh and shake my head. "Not with this traffic. Unless Stark made the first flying car that is."

Tony does drive surprisingly fast, maneuvering past tons of cars and high-tailing it towards the restaurant and parking.

I make my way into the restaurant and walk over to the table where McKenzie is already waiting. She stands up to hug me then we take a seat.

"Stark..." she observes, "I thought you were dating Steve?"

"Is that like a thing that's been spreading around?" I ask, the blush on my face quite obvious.

"I actually just really wanted lunch, and I was like "Oh McKenzie! She's cool"" Tony states, taking a seat next to me.

McKenzie grabs her phone and looks down at it for a second, before handing me it.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been "compromised". I've been stuck at HQ. Fury is "dead" now. It's HYDRA. Ears are everywhere.

"I've been scoping for them for months to search for threats. How did nothing come up?" I ask in a whisper.

"Wait what's happening? I am totally lost right now," Tony interrupts.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised by a group called HYDRA. Fury's dead," I whisper in his ear.

"You'll never guess who's on the mission with Steve," McKenzie says, but not before searching around the room to make sure it was secure.

"Well I know Nat is..." I start, my mind racing with curiosity. McKenzie and I used to talk all about S.H.I.E.L.D. and the agents; who we did and didn't like. We were super close, until the Avengers idea was started. We were reassigned to different areas so we didn't get to see each other that much.

"13." She states. I lean back and hit my head on the back of the booth.

"Are you joking? I bet she's flirting with him. Would Nat let her flirt with him? Out of all the people, it had to be her?" I rant. Sharon and I never got along, as she used to flirt with my (now ex) boyfriend, Grant Ward, while we were dating. I loved Peggy, but Sharon... not so much.

"Wait, so I'm supposed to hate this person? What did she do wrong?" Tony questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Everything. She did everything," McKenzie states, glancing at me.

"So besides that, how have you been?" I ask her. "Any cute boys?"

"Not really. I'm just sticking with our plan to die alone while watching Disney movies."

"Psh you'll find someone. Tony will set you up," I suggest. Tony nods. "Wait, no, not Tony. No offense but I don't trust you with finding the love of my best friend's life." I tell Tony. He shrugs.

"Steve will find a friend, and we'll go on a double date. It's happening, so don't say no," I demand. She grins.

"Fine, but he better be cute or I'm not going. All I ask is that he is the equivalent of Percy Jackson," she jokes. I quickly nod and give her a smile.

"He will be, trust me. He'll be even better in fact."

We all say our goodbyes and Tony tells McKenzie to come over to Avengers Tower whenever. Tony and I drive back to the Tower and I immediately go up to my floor and pull out my phone to text Steve.

Hey, I hope everything's going alright, I've heard some things and hope that you're doing okay. Also do you have a friend that I can set my friend, McKenzie, up with because that would be helpful.

I don't expect him to respond; he probably can't even use his phone anymore, but I send the message anyways to keep the fear out of me.

"Steve took down HYDRA once already. He'll be fine!" I think to myself, trying not to worry, but this isn't the '40s. The technology is ridiculous now. I lay in 200 blankets on my bed all day and try to think of anything to get my mind off of Steve.

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