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Day 1:

There's a bright light. I look around and suddenly I'm walking. Walking. I can't pull myself to stop. I cry. It can't all be over. There's utter nothingness ahead of me, yet I keep walking. I walk into the empty void of light without any question.


They took her body away when they got to the new Avengers base- a place in upstate NYC. He ran after the medics, trying to stay with her, but they took her into the surgery room, pushing him out. Steven Grant Rogers went through the motions. He got changed to normal clothes: jeans and a sweatshirt, ate lunch, sat by the tv, ate dinner, changed into pajamas, and went to bed.

He couldn't sleep though. All he could do was stare at the ceiling, at the empty void ahead of him. He couldn't get his mind off her. The way her hand felt in his. How her blue eyes shone behind her dark colored mask. She was heroic, beautiful, and bold. She was his. Was.

He got up and swiftly opened his door, moving silently through the halls and down the steps until he got to the infirmary. He loved her. He had loved her for a long time. He had tried saying it, but he finally realized how deeply he actually loved her when she said it first. He went to her room and halted at the door. Hesitantly, he twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

She was laying on the hospital bed. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she was in some deep sleep. The heart monitor connected to her body beeped steadily. The very sight both relieved Steve and also put him on edge. He grabbed a chair and sat by her side. Extremely carefully, he grabbed her hand, and immediately regretted the decision. The line on the monitor spiked for a moment, then fell back to normal.

He could see the obvious smile on her face, but also the bright tears that rested gently on her cheeks. She was in pain, and he cringed at the thought, his heart breaking. He stared at her and held her hand more boldly, until he felt safe and able to protect her. He himself fell into a light sleep.


Day 2:

I've been walking for what seems like forever, but I can tell that the paradox I'm in lacks the reference of time. The second I realize I mighr not even be going anywhere, I see a bright silver gate in front of me. Wow. This is it.

I fall to my knees in agony. How am I, in the place where everyone is happy,
nobody cries, and everything is peace, so discontent with the thought of death?

"Hannah" a voice calls, and I look up toward the source. A woman with blonde hair up in a bun is standing above me. She moves swiftly, elegantly, as though she does not have to try. She motions for me to follow her and I do, moving further away from the gate and through a doorway.

The doorway reveals a beautiful garden. Tons of greenery and beautiful pink roses bloom, relieving me from the constant white of the place where I last was. I sit down at a small, brown table next to the lady, and across from another one: a woman with light brown hair and youthful eyes.

"Where am I?" I ask, looking around at the place. The woman who led me here speaks first. "You're not dead. This is just a step in between the normal world you know and death itself. I am Frigga, the mother of your father, Loki."

The other woman shifts slightly before introducing herself. "I'm Meredith Quill. I'm your mother," she replies softly. My eyes fill with tears and I'm not sure why. "You're my mom... and you're my grandmother?"

A Frozen Love (A MCU Captain America Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now