I Know A Guy

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I wake up freezing cold. I toss over to my side to find Steve and his warmth, but he's not there. He must be out training. I sigh and pull another blanket on top of me, curling up and going back to sleep.

I shift slightly; something is on the edge of the bed. I open my eyes gently, and it's Steve. I smile gratefully. He gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Good morning! I made you breakfast. I hope it's okay..." he offers.

I practically leap forward and give him a hug. "How is someone like you dating someone like... me?"

He grabs the tray and sets it down on my lap, taking a seat next to me on the bed. "You know, I wonder that every day. How in the world did I end out being so lucky that I get to fall in love with the most beautiful woman in the world?"

The tray is absolutely filled with anything I could've wanted. Chocolate chip pancakes, cinnamon toast, bacon, hashbrowns. "I've been texting your dad a little for suggestions," Steve admits, making me laugh.

"You can text now? I guess you're full of surprises. What's next? An Instagram?" I joke, giving him a piece of my toast.

"Oo! I wanna try Instagram. I'm going to download it," he cheers like a child. I can see him scrolling, but I can't exactly see what he's doing. "How do you download things again?"

I take his phone and slowly go through the steps so that he'll remember, then download it. "Now remember, unless you go private, anyone can follow you. That means no giving out secret identities unless you get permission." I feel like a parent giving this lecture.

He shows me his phone happily. His username is @ captnmericaaa (apparently captainamerica was taken) and his bio is "i'm old fashioned 🇺🇸." Wow. I giggle, shaking my head, and follow him. He wraps his arm gently around my waist and I nuzzle into his shoulder. I close my eyes. Honestly I could stay like this all day.

"How do you take a selfie?" He asks, breaking the peaceful silence. I open my eyes and hold his hand that's holding the phone. I stretch it out, lightly tilting the phone. "Get ready to push the button... now smile." I instruct. The selfie actually turns out okay (despite my bed head).

"Steve! Why did you post it on Instagram?" I ask. Apparently he doesn't listen to my whole "don't post without permission" lecture.

"Well this Instagram will be lame unless I can post pictures with you. I don't even wear a mask anymore really, so everyone knows my identity. And I'll always be by your side to protect you, even though you can pretty much protect yourself," he explains. I blush slightly, but let reality kick in soon enough.

"Steve! We're the Avengers! Well they actually might not know it's me... but they'll definitely know it's you! What if they track your location from the picture and-"

"Nobody is going to break in or anything. Calm down," he smiles reassuringly. I'd believe any word that came from his mouth, and wrap myself in his embrace. The alarm goes off in the mansion, informing us that some intruder is here.

"What's going on down there Sam?" Steve speaks into his headpiece frantically. I roll my eyes and give him a 'told you so' look.

"I had a sensor trip, but I'm not seeing anything. Wait a second..." Sam starts. My phone starts to ring. It's Brooke. I walk into the bathroom.

"Hey Brooke! How's it going?" I answer quickly.

"Pretty good. What's up? How have you been feeling?"

"Not too bad. I was stuck in bed for a few days, my dad and Steve are like best friends now, Steve and I got tattoos because it was his birthday, I think I got burnt? Oh and we have an intruder right now I think. How was newsies?" I ask, lightheartedly changing the subject.

"So good! If only you got into it. I'm sure you'd love it!"

"I did. You played it every time you were in my hospital room and subconscious me learned it and now I know all the words!" I giggle.

Steve knocks lightly and walks in, fully suited. "Just a precaution. I'm going to check it out. No fighting okay?" He quickly gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. I roll my eyes.

"Well Brooke, I guess this is more serious than I thought. Even Cap is suited up," I tell her through the phone. I leave the room and pace, as I normally do when on the phone, around the place.

"I met a guy! He's super cute!"

"OMG. Tell me more! What's he look like?" I exclaim. Suddenly, a man appears out of nowhere. He's in a strange suit with a helmet over his head. It pops open, revealing his face.

"I think that's him actually! How coincidental!" She states awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm Scott. Also known as Ant-Man. Big fan. Your sister really is something. Soooo let's say I'm going to take this, and you're going to let me. I promise I'll return it?" He pleads, giving me a smile.

"Sure! Any friend of my sister's is a friend of mine. Oo! Let's exchange phone numbers!" I offer. He sighs and hands me his phone. I put in my contact and then hand it back. He grabs the piece of tech and disappears.

"Wow! He's cute Brooke! Nice catch! Alright I'll talk to you later. Bye!!!" I exclaim into the phone, hanging up.

Both Steve and Sam walk in from outside. "What the hell do you mean it was nothing?" Steve asks, I roll my eyes. He's too hard on him.

"Turns out it was just an ant messing around with my suit. That's why it spammed out. Talk about scary," Sam laughs. I raise an eyebrow. He's obviously talking about Ant-Man.

"Yeah, I checked all the cameras and it was nothing. Way to freak me out though Steve," I explain, winking at Sam. I pull Steve away, escorting him to the living room. "What do you say we take the rest of the day off? Let's just watch Fuller House all day. You seem kinda out of it, imaging people outside and such."

"Okay," he sighs, laying down on the couch and pulling me next to him. He runs his fingers through my hair gently. "I love you," he whispers, kissing my head.

I grin, looking up at him. "I love you too Steve!"

My phone lights up with a text. I grab it quickly, and see that it's from a new number- Scott.

Hey, it's Scott. Thanks for helping me out today. If any of you need any help at all, count me in. Also, how appropriate would it be to ask your sister on a date?

I laugh silently and text him back immediately.


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