The Sokovia Accords (Civil war part 1)

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Honestly? I don't remember going to the airport, or telling the front desks how crucial it was that I get a flight to NYC immediately, or informing them that they'd receive a strongly-worded message from Tony Stark if they didn't get me on the next flight. All I remember is the waiting.

The flight was long. Not only was I thinking about what could have gone wrong, but also why Steve wasn't calling. The fact that I wasn't there to help them kills me. "Are you okay?" Brooke asks, shaking me to attention as I stare out the window. I hadn't even realized I had zoned out so much, my head has just been racing.

"Uh, yeah," I lie, which I can tell she detects. "I'll be better once I get back." That one was the truth. Luckily, we don't have to wait much longer as our Uber pulls over to the side of the large Avengers facility minutes later.

Brooke and I rush to the entrance, pushing open the door. Upon arrival, I can immediately hear aggravated voices. One is somewhat familiar, but I can't place it. One is Tony. The other one is Steve? At least I hope so. I walk up the stairs to the conference room and thank goodness, Steve is there, along with Sam, Vision, Wanda, Nat, Rhodey, and Tony, which means that nobody got hurt during the mission, thank goodness.

"Glad to see you made it," a voice behind me calls. I turn around and it's Secretary of State Ross. "This is the Sokovia Accords," he places a thick stack of pages on the table and slides them towards everyone else, "approved by 117 countries. It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."

"Only the Avengers? Or are you also going to target anyone else with powers? The second they show up on your radar, you lock them up too?" Brooke asks. I realize she's talking about Scott. He's not an Avenger, but the government could definitely come for him because he's Ant-man.

"Anyone who could be a threat to security. If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes... you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground. If it means that we have to contain outside threats too, so be it." I can tell that this is not the answer Brooke wants, and that she's definitely against the accords. I, personally, refuse to take a side until I read through the accords. "Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over," Ross explains.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asks. If there aren't repercussions, then there's no point in signing.

"Then you retire. Consider it for a while and let me know," with that, Ross leaves. I can tell that the room is tense, and that some people have already picked their sides. I'm sure Rhodey will sign the accords, because he's always been committed to following the rules and protecting the country. Vision too. He's too lawfully good to break the rules. Brooke won't side with the accords, but I have no clue what I'm going to do.

The room starts clearing Bout, but Steve is still in his seat, eyeing the document. "I was really worried about you all," I whisper, walking towards him.

He runs a hand through his hair "I'm sorry. I should have called. Things got... complicated."

I rest my hand on his, grabbing his attention. "It's okay, Steve. I understand. I'm just glad that you're okay," I grab his cheek with my other hand and lean in for a quick kiss. "What do you think about the accords? You look pretty stressed."

"I am. I don't like them. If we sign the accords and something bad happens, we have to wait for a meeting to be called that gives us the power to step in. Who knows how many lives could be lost by then."

"That's not the only reason you're stressed," I frown, "what else is up?"

He sighs, rubbing his eyes with his spare hand, "I can tell Tony has already made up his mind, and he's going to sign the accords. This could tear the team apart." I hate to agree, but I know how stubborn Steve and Tony are. They won't give up without a fight, and I don't know what to do about it.

"Why don't we read it over? Maybe it isn't as bad as they're making it seem. I'll make some coffee for us," with that, we head to the kitchen. Turns out everyone is arguing in there now. So much for quiet.

"I have an equation," Vision proposes, and the room goes silent. He's definitely the most logical on our team. "In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate."

"Vision, that is such bullshit," Brooke complains. The room breaks off into small arguments.

"I totally agree with Brooke," I side with Brooke, "technology advances. People utilize it. Before Tony became Iron Man, people couldn't even make a call if their phone wasn't plugged into the wall. Tech has advanced, so have people. That's not our fault."

Tony is laying on the couch, not even caring about the conversation. "I can see Tony's already made up his mind," Steve comments, looking in his direction. It only seems to piss Tony off even more. He gets up and grabs a mug, filling it with coffee.

Tony throws his phone down, opening up a projection of a young man. "Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia." I can see where this is going, and I don't like it. Sometimes it's hard to take accountability for your actions.

"He wanted to make a difference, I guess. We dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass. If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys."

"Tony, we can't give up. This document just shifts the blame," Steve explains.

"That is dangerously arrogant, Steve. This is the United Nations we're talking about," Rhodey argues.

"Listen, we destroyed some buildings, lost some lives. But think about how many we saved. If we sign the accords, then we don't get to choose where we go and who we save. Everything is dictated by the UN, and we become puppets," I defend Steve.

"But we were directly responsible for Sokovia. We caused that. If we were put in check, things like that could be avoided," Tony emphasizes.

"We? If I recall correctly, you're the one who made Ultron. Maybe you need to be put in check, but what have we ever done?" Sam asks. Damn.

"Listen," Tony starts, "Blame who you want, but if we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later. That's the fact."

Nat is the next to voice her opinion, "Maybe Tony's right. We need to regain the public's trust."

"Sounds like case is closed-I win. Especially considering how much Nat hates the government, and siding with me," Tony gloats, but we all know the fight isn't over. Sam, Brooke, and Steve are strictly against the accords, and I'm starting to side with them. Tony, Nat, Vision, and Rhodey are for them, and I think Wanda is primarily concerned with damage control, so I assume she'll sign on too. I'm pulled away from my thoughts by Steve rushing out of the room. My phone buzzes, it's Sharon.

She's gone, in her sleep. She really admired you. I hope you and Steve will make it to her funeral in three days.

The problems seem to keep piling on. Peggy's death, along with the accords, might just tear not only Steve apart, but the whole team, and it seems like I'm on damage control.

//: Hey! Sorry it's been awhile, but I'm glad to update again! Hopefully I'll be back with another update soon :))

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