The Fight (Age of Ultron part 2)

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The robot went on, discussing his "horror" story of creation. After mentioning killing a guy, I had enough. I lean forward to Maria. "Why aren't we firing yet? He's hostile. He killed someone," I whisper, trying not to draw any attention.

"Keep it down low for now, just be ready," she instructs, allowing him to go on.

"I'm on a mission." The shambled robot states.

"What mission?" Natasha asks. I shake my head. Why aren't we firing?

The robot begins, "Peace in our time." The Iron Legion robots immediately fly out, attacking us all.

"Did I not suggest open fire before?" I yell, shooting one with ice and blowing it apart. Oh, science. Running down towards the open area near Ultron, I toss Steve his shield, then kick a bot towards him. He uses his shield to dismember the last robot, letting out a sigh of relief.

"That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve?" Ultron picks up the head of one of the robots, "With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinct-"

He's cut off by me shooting ice into his body, cracking it apart. Thor then throws his hammer into him, destroying him. Ultron's body still sings, and I know he's uploading himself everywhere he can.

Everyone silently files to the lab. "I guess I'll be the one to clean up then," I mutter, looking at the mess from the party and the fight.

First I throw away all of the party cups from the actual get-together. Then I pull out the vacuum and start vacuuming all of the tiny glass shards on the ground from tables, vases, windows. It's a lot of work. What doesn't help is that the guys left their stuff everywhere nonchalantly. I groan, taking Nat's guns and setting them on the bookshelf, followed by Cap's shield, and have to go half-way across the room just to move Thor's hammer and set it down next to the other weapons. After everything is vacuumed and cleaned so that it's even nicer than how I found it, I take out my phone and call Brooke.

"Hello," she answers.

"Hey Brooke. Where the heck did you go?"

"Well after I couldn't lift the hammer I left. Passed a really creepy robot on my way out. Everything good?"

"Yes. A lot of stuff is happening here and I just want to complete the mission on Bucky. I'm not sure Steve will go."

"Awesome! Then we can take my space ship, The Animal. It's a two-seater."

"Alright. Well pick me up as soon as you can tomorrow!"

"I will. See ya sis."

Steve walks back out from the lab, followed by some of the others. "Well this looks nice," he compliments, looking straight at me with a weak smile.

"Yep. Turns out I can clean! Who would have guessed," I joke, but notice that he's not focused on anything that I'm saying. "Are you alright?"

"Can you go to my room with me? Like... so we can talk obviously. Nothing else," Steve requests, obviously out of it. I meekly nod and follow him. I guess Ultron really got to him and the others.

Once we get to his floor, we go into his room and he sits down on his bed, distressed. "Do you think you could sleep in here, with me, tonight?"

I immediately feel guilty for joking with him earlier. Whatever Ultron said undoubtedly scared him. I gave him a quick kiss. "Of course, but I have to go upstairs and get my pajamas first if that's alright."

"No!" he shouts out, grabbing my arm so I can't leave, "can't you take one of my shirts or something? I just don't want him to be there and hurt you. Please."

I quickly give in, his worry being one of the sweetest things ever. He gives me one of his large shirts and I hurriedly change in the bathroom. Making my way back into his room I lay down next to him in bed and he immediately wraps his arms protectively around me.

"We have to fight him. I know we don't have much of a chance, but we'll die trying. We're going out tomorrow to try and find him. I just really don't want you to get hurt," he shakes his head, attempting to explain everything.

"Hey, Steve, it'll be okay. I'm just as involved in this whole mission as you all, if not more. But tomorrow Brooke and I are going to find Bucky. I already filed it so I have to. No need to worry about me though. We've got it covered," I comfort, snuggling closer to him.

He places his head on top of mine. "But you know me. I'll always worry. It's just because... I love you."

I squeeze my eyes shut at the comment. Nobody has told me that since Ward, and that didn't work out well. My mind races. Do I love him? I have really strong feelings for him, but would I do anything and everything for him? I don't even know what love is at the moment. I pretend to be asleep to avoid any confrontation.

He sweetly kisses my head. "Good night sweetheart," he whispers.

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