Thor's Hammer & Bucky

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//: This is me continuing with the Bucky plot, so it's not an Age of Ultron chapter!

I wake up, the sunlight beaming down on my face. Time to get ready. "Steve," I whisper gently, hoping not to wake him too much. His face wrinkles slightly, "I'm going down to my room to get dressed, alright?"

He doesn't say anything, but pulls me slightly closer to him. I smile and wiggle my way out of his grasp, giving him a pillow to hold instead. I quickly run downstairs, slip on leggings and a tighter fitting t-shirt. This way I can blend in but still fight if needed.

I walk back upstairs and go back into Steve's room, his shirt folded neatly in my hands. "Hey Steve, I-" I turn around to find him completely suited up behind me. "Well, hey Captain. I brought your shirt back. I don't know if you want me to wash it or-"

"This is absolutely perfect," he remarks oddly, taking the shirt and putting it back in his drawer. "Let's go upstairs for breakfast."

We walk upstairs and I put some cereal in a bowl, sitting down on the couch. Steve takes a seat next to me, eating an apple.

"Hannah, do you know where my hammer is?" Thor bellows, so loud I could hear him on the next floor up.

I shake my head. "Yes. I put it on the bookshelf next to Steve's shield and Nat's guns. You would know if any of you would help me clean, but I guess I'm the house maid here."

He runs downstairs, looking over at me. "You put it on the bookshelf?"

"Yeah, nobody else was going to do it, and it was right in the way of where I needed to vacuum. I didn't realize you cared that much about germs," I apologize, confused why he's so upset.

The whole room stares at me, and I shrug it off. The elevator opens and everyone tenses up, only to realize that Brooke is here. "Hey, you ready to go?" she asks. I nod in response.

"Hey Hannah," Thor calls, drawing my attention, "thank you for putting my hammer here, but can you put it on the table for me instead?"

He tosses the hammer to me and I half hazardously catch it, setting it on the table. "I don't see why you couldn't have done that yourself, but alrighty then. Bye everyone! Good luck!" I bid, walking over to the elevator to leave with Brooke.

"I love you!" Steve calls, following me towards the elevator. Panicked, I repeatedly push the "elevator close" button. The door closes just in time for me to pretend like I didn't hear, and we make our way to the top floor, where Brooke has landed her ship.

"So what's with you and Steve? I think you heard what I heard, clear as day," Brooke questions, taking us into the ship. It's a really nice two-seater, playing a variety of catchy 70s songs.

"I don't know," I say defeated, "It's just that, I have never been very good at commitment. My one boyfriend pulled out the 'I love you' card, and then I thought he was cheating on me. I just don't trust people enough to say it back. Who knows what secrets he has? Or if he likes anyone else?"

She starts to laugh, making me raise an eyebrow. "Trust me, he only likes you. I can tell by the way he looks at you. It must be nice to have someone like that." She starts to lift off. "Also, you lifted Thor's hammer!"

I laugh, but eventually it sets in. "Multiple times!" I cry, "And everyone noticed but me! I was so upset with having to clean the place that it never fully set in!" We both burst out into laughter. Soon enough (very soon because we're in a space ship) we've landed in D.C., right outside of our destination, Cafe des Reves. I put my leather jacket on... or apparently Steve's, because I grabbed the wrong one, and we get out of the ship, walking towards the Cafe.

Entering the Cafe, I glance around until I find him in a booth. He has long, dark brown hair and distressed blue eyes. I shrug and very carefully take a seat across from him. Brooke follows.

I pull out my gun under the table so that I have it ready in case I need it. It doesn't look like I will though. He looks worried, like he's been met with a lot. He's dressed in civilian clothes. I think it's actually Bucky.

"James," I start, looking up at him slowly.

His eyes widen and he quickly grabs my own gun, pointing it at me. "Are you one of them?"

Brooke pulls her gun on him. "We're not them. We're friends of Steve. Now put the gun down. We just want to talk." Bucky looks concerned at first, but carefully sets the gun down on the table. I put it back into my pocket.

Suddenly the door opens and McKenzie walks in, taking a seat next to Bucky. "James Buchanan Barnes," she greets, holding out her hand for him to shake, "My name is McKenzie Hill and I'm here to help you understand your past and assimilate to today."

I give Brooke a look, assuming that she pays more attention than I thought and called for reinforcements. She's not a bad agent.

He shook her hand gently. "Thank you. But why exactly are you guys helping me? I haven't exactly been perfect."

"Because Steve wants us to. He misses his best friend. Also, you're kind of a huge threat," I mention.

McKenzie continues quickly before he can fully process what I said. "What we're going to do, James, is send you off to a more secluded place where you can hide for a while, I'll join you, and we'll work on making the... Soldier... harder to come upon."

He had a charming smile on his face. "Please, call me Bucky." So this is why no girls went for Steve. He was up against some pretty strong competition.

"Well Bucky, how about we start part 1 of finding out who you were? Let's go to the American History Museum," McKenzie suggests. We walk over to the museum, which is just a few blocks down the street.

As we walk through the museum, Brooke becomes extremely interested in the 80s stuff (Kermit and Dumbo). I sigh and take Bucky and McKenzie over to the section dedicated to Captain America. They walk over to the "fallen soldier" section -- Bucky's section, while I stand in the middle of the room, watching all the videos of Steve's past, including Peggy Carter. He really loved her. Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever be able to love anyone, me, as much as her. I smile as a clip shows him dancing around on stage, then make my way over to McKenzie.

"How's he doing?" I ask under my breath.

"Really well. We're going to have to leave soon though. They could be here any minute," she responds, walking over to Bucky and whispering something to him. He nods, pulling down his cap slightly.

I find Brooke still over by Kermit. "We have to go," I mouth, and she immediately follows. All four of us speed-walk through downtown D.C. Once we make it to McKenzie's invisible quinjet, we say our goodbyes.

"McKenzie is going to take really good care of you. Don't try anything," I firmly instruct Bucky.

He laughs, "Oh trust me, I know she'll be perfect for the job. I'll be alright. Let Steve know I'm doing okay?" I give him a small smile in response, and they're off.

"Well I'm hungry. That museum was kind of boring. What do you say we go to that diner and eat?" Brooke suggests, pointing out a small place on the corner. Upon walking in, I can see "Avengers Attack Wakanda - Hulk Smashes Building" on the tv screen and drag Brooke out of the building.

"We have to go. Let me fly," I respond, getting in and high-tailing it toward Clint's house.

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