Exposition pt. 2 (last exposition chapter)

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7 years later {2001}

Hannah's POV

"Dad, I'm sorry." I shamefully whisper.

He looks at me angrily, "why didn't you tell me that your grades were dropping so low?"

"Because I knew you'd react like this," I mumble back.

"Well how are you going to get them up so quickly now?" He asks.

"I can't. There's no way you can bring a C up to an A in two weeks." I whisper, icy tears filling my eyes.

"Don't ever say that! There's always a way!" He yells.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm not the perfect daughter! I get C's sometimes on tests, I'm not the best agent; you can't expect me to be the best at everything that has ever existed!" I yell back frustrated.

He opens his mouth to speak, but I run to my room (of the apartment).

*10 mins later*

I can't even calm down. It's not my fault! I can't be good at everything.

Icy tears run down my face, as they always do when I'm sad.

I interlock my blue fingers (which turn blue when I'm sad) and go under all my blankets to stay warm.

They say because of the living ice inside of me, these things would happen. When I'm mad, my palms to dark blue, and everyone should stand back.

I still can't control it. The ice knows when I'm unhappy and it grows throughout my body, making me cold.

I'm only warm when I'm content with life.

And that's not today.

My dad interrupts my thoughts, knocking on the door.

"Hannah, I'm sorry if-"

"Go away," I coldly state back, trying to keep myself calm.

"Sweetie, I just want you to be the best-"

"I SAID GO AWAY!" I yell and the whole floor turns into ice.

Dad walks away and I start to feel guilty.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I'll try my best to fix my grades." I say and run/slide over to hug him.

"It's alright sweetie. I promise I won't ever be too hard on you again."

A.N. So sorry for having more exposition! I just wanted to try to explain the powers a bit.

Next chapter we'll have stuff happen. We're gonna find Cap in the ice, and even meet Peggy Carter!!!

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