You're Alive?

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Brooke sets her ship to take us to New York. "What's in New York?" I ask her, but she refuses to answer. Maybe she wants to stop to pack some clothes or something.

I must be wrong, because she lands in front of a building with the name Jembac Physical Therapy. I raise an eyebrow. "You've been going to PT?"

"No, I just wanted to check in on a friend before we went off to space. Not sure how long we'll be gone." She steps out of the ship and motions for me to follow her. She pushes open the door and a bell rings as she does. "Maddie?" She calls, "are you here?"

"Brooke! It's nice to see you again," the girl who I'd assume is Maddie greets. "And you must be her sister, Hannah."

I smile, "Yup, that's me. It's nice to meet you Maddie. I didn't realize Brooke had friends I didn't know about." Brooke scoffs and rolls her eyes at my comment, and I can't help but laugh.

"Well she helped me find my way to Tony's party when I first got to Terra... I mean Earth. And she's been helping out a friend since then," Brooke explains.

"A friend?" I question. "You have two friends I don't know about?"

"Nah, you know him," Brooke remarks, a devious smile on her face. I'm genuinely worried. Maddie motions for us to follow her up the stairs to her apartment level.

I freeze in the doorway, taking note of a certain white-haired speedster I've met before. "You're alive?" We ask each other at the same time. We both laugh.

"Of course I'm alive, duh, I'm all over the news," I tell him, rolling my eyes teasingly. He pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey, to be fair, the last time I saw you you were bleeding all over. Thanks for saving me by the way. I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you."

"Do other people know?" I ask the room. "Does Wanda know?"

"Of course Wanda knows," Pietro states. "It's a sibling thing. She would know if I were gone."

"A sibling thing? I don't know..." I hesitate. I can't imagine how Wanda would feel if nobody told her Pietro was alive and she didn't know.

"Yeah, a sibling thing," Brooke explains, "that's how I knew you were alive the whole time I was in space."

"I didn't even know you guys existed..."

"Well, anyways, we're going up to space for a while, but I wanted to make sure you guys would be okay," Brooke tells Maddie.

She nods. "Don't worry about us. We'll be alright."

I give Pietro a hug as Brooke hugs Maddie goodbye. "Stay safe, alright? We might need you soon if a big enough threat comes" I tell him.

He smirks: "That's a lot to ask, but I'll try. Same to you." Brooke motions for me to follow her and we go back to her ship.

"Are you ready to come into my territory?" Brooke asks me, grinning devilishly.

"Hell yeah!" I cheer. Brooke lifts off and starts to leave Earth in the distance. "Earth looks so beautiful from up here," I comment, admiring how the clouds lay over some of the continents hazily, the sun only lighting up part of the planet.

"It does, but in space we call it Terra. Don't wanna mess up the lingo," Brooke informs me. I nod, taking note of it in my mind. "I'm going to make a jump to a nearby galaxy, but it's not gonna be a walk in the park. It'll feel kinda like airplane turbulence. You ready?"

I tighten my seatbelt then give her a thumbs up. "Ready as I'll ever be."

She flips the switch and we travel extremely fast. It's a weird feeling at first, like I'm being forced back into my seat. All my surroundings are overwhelming, so I try and just focus on the floor of the ship. "You alright?" She asks, taking in my state.

"Yep, that wasn't bad. How long until we get to where we need to be?" I ask, somewhat winded from the jump.

"About half an hour. The Guardians are taking on a job, so I figured you wouldn't mind joining."

"What kind of job?"

"Protecting some energy crystals from an... alien. It's no big deal."

I laugh. "Alright, well if it's no big deal then sure, that sounds great. I can't wait to meet them." Brooke puts on some music—the song Brandy—and starts piloting the ship. I sit down, absentmindedly turning over the phone Steve gave me in my hands while humming the song. I open up a text to send to him, but stare blankly at the screen. I can't seem to put my feelings into words: to tell him how nice it would have been to share that beautiful view of the Earth... or of Terra... with him, to tell him that I'm already thinking of him. I sigh, closing the phone and tucking it away.

My eyes go to a piece of paper on the ship. I grab it and a pen and start writing to Steve. I figure this way I won't have to figure out how to word what I want to say to him, because he'll never actually read the letter.

Dear Steve,

I wish you were with me right now. If it weren't for meeting my brother and all of his friends, I would ask Brooke to take me back to see you again. There is nothing quite like the view of Terra (Earth) from space. No, it is not flat, but it is beautiful. I wish I could share that with you.

Jumping through space from galaxy to galaxy is absolutely crazy. In fact, it feels exactly like the flight we took during the Battle of New York, when we were thrown all around the jet and you caught me and held onto me. It was really nice of you, especially considering we had just met. That's when I learned that you were a true gentleman.

We're going on a mission when we meet the Guardians. Something about fending off aliens and protecting crystals. It makes me realize just how little we actually know on Terra. We're so caught up in our own ways that we never consider the bigger picture. I guess the bigger picture is why I decided to go to space in the first place: to gain clarity.

I love you and can't wait to see you again. Hopefully you'll be able to meet my brother someday. I haven't met him yet, but I'm sure he'll adore you—everybody does.

With love,

I sigh, folding up the letter. The sound seems to grab Brooke's attention, as she turns to face me. "Everything okay?" She asks, looking down at the tiny piece of paper in my hands.

"Yeah, just wrote a little note," I brush it off. "Is there anywhere I could put it so that it doesn't get mixed up with anything else?"

She points to a drawer across the room. "Nobody ever looks over there anyways." I get out of my seat to tuck the paper away nicely, then return.

"You think you're ready to go? Because we're here."

I blank. This is all so new to me. It's like I've entered an entirely different world with different surroundings, different species. What if the gravity levels are different? Brooke must notice I look starstruck because she grabs onto my hand and smiles at me. "Don't worry. Everyone might seem intimidating at first but they'll have your back. Can't promise they'll be nice, but they will look out for you." She flips a switch and the door of her ship starts to open, introducing me to an entirely new world and an entirely new family I've never met before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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