Cold-Hearted (Civil War part 5)

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//: Thanks everyone for being patient! See (spoiler-free) Endgame Q&A at the end of the chapter!

"Are you ready to go? We're flying over to the airport they're headed for," Tony asks me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," I whisper, giving him a small smile. "So who all do we have lined up for our side?"

Tony pauses, to think for a minute. "Me, you, Rhodey, Nat, Vision, T'Challa, known to you as the king of Wakanda, and Spider-Man. And Brooke too of course."


"Yeah, you're about to meet him," he puts a hand on my shoulder, "he's just a kid, but don't underestimate him, okay?" I nod and he takes me down to the back of the building, where a small plane is waiting for us. "Off we go?"

"Off we go," I grin, following Tony onboard the plane. I immediately see Nat and Rhodey, who smile at me, and even T'Challa (as he's now called), gives me a nod. Vision of course doesn't react, and I choose to take a seat next to a kid in a spandex suit, looking down at his mask, scared out of his mind. That must be Spider-Man.

"First fight?" I ask him. He almost seems shocked to see me sitting next to him. Cute.

"It's that obvious, huh?" He pauses, looking up at me. "Wait, you're Blizzard!"

I shake my head and laugh. "I am. You can call me Hannah though. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Peter," I hold out my hand and he takes it, shaking it lightly. "How old are you?"

"I'm a Sophomore in High School. I'm from Queens."

"I started doing missions when I was a Freshman,
so don't worry, you can totally handle this," I squeeze his shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile. "And if you need any help, I'm really just here for back-up and a distraction, so you call me anytime and I'll be down to help you." I remember my first mission. It was a pretty straight-forward solo mission: get intel, maybe take down people in the process. Unfortunately, I had no backup, and one of the enemies got me. They beat and tortured me pretty bad; luckily Maria Hill came soon enough to save me. It's not necessarily a bad memory, but I still do have scars from the event. I'd never want that to happen to Peter.

He smiles more confidently at me. He seems relieved to know that somebody has his back. "Thanks. I feel like I've been thrown into this without much explanation and I'm really worried I'm gonna mess up... wait... aren't you and Captain America together? You're on opposite sides."

I shrug. "People change, agendas change, Peter. Captain America... isn't the same person that I met a few years ago. That's adult life though." I try to keep my emotions from Peter. He's nervous enough, he definitely doesn't need me unloading my problems on him.

"He cheated," Brooke says, walking past us and taking a seat across from Peter and I. "He doesn't hold the same morals I imagine he once did." She was always good at being upfront.

"Jeez... I'm sorry. I didn't think he would ever do that," Peter mutters, shaking his head.

Brooke reaches over and grabs my hand. "Well, at least it shows us who we're fighting against. It gives us even more reason to stand against him," this time she gives us both a reassuring smile. "Come on, it'll be okay. I've fought a lot worse than a ragtag group of patriot rebels."

"How did I not notice it before? You're Jinx, Hannah's sister!" Peter exclaims, fanboying for the remainder of the brief flight.

We get off, and all follow behind Tony, walking towards the center of the airport. "Hannah, Pete, Brooke; I want you guys waiting back here until I give you the signal. You guys are kind of our element of surprise. And for all we know, Cap might back down."

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