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"You are clear for landing," a voice announces to my helicopter. I land it on the top of the helicarrier smoothly, making sure to draw no attention.

Once it's landed, I turn it off, unbuckle my seatbelt, then get out, speed walking to the control room to speak with Fury.

"Fury," I greet, walking into the room, "what's up?"

"Did you just take a helicopter here?" he questions, looking at me with a sideways glance.

"Yes. I know I didn't ask, but it was... family issues. Now what do you want to talk to me about?" I ask.

"I think it's better if we discuss this in private. Let's go to Conference Room B," he suggests.

As we walk through the halls in silence, my mind is racing. What could he want to talk about with me that's so important and private?

I open the door to Conference Room B and walk in. I make my way over to the camera and send a bolt of ice to it, freezing it. Now this chat will be completely private.

I take a seat and lean back into the chair, waiting for Fury to talk.

"We've come up with a giant advance in medicine. We call it Operation Tahiti. It's a way to bring back passed people," he explains, taking a seat as well.

"And..." I motion for him to go on.

"You really gave us the idea when you were trying to heal Agent Coulson with the ice... We've brought him back."

"You did what?" I ask, my mind exploding with questions.

"We found a way to bring your father back, and now he is. None of the Avengers know, and only a few agents do. I figured that you would like to know."

I sit still in my chair, staring at the table as if its the only thing I can do to keep my mind from blowing up.

"So you resurrected him?" My hands begin to turn blue with anger. This is like some awful zombie movie.

"And a few other agents. They believe that we just sent them off to Tahiti. How about we bring him in now?" he asks, backing away from me as my anger is obvious.

I take a few deep breaths and the color starts to come back to me. "Sure."

I look down at the floor and see a freshly-polished black shoe enter the room. It's impossible for me to hide my smile as I look up and see my dad.

"Hi Dad!" I exclaim, and then realize the need to keep it down. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

"You had me so worried. I thought you were gone. But anyways, how was your trip?" I act along, playing to the thought of him going on a vacation to Tahiti.

"Well Tahiti truly is a magical place. I'll have to take you there sometime. How have you been?" He asks curiously. I finally realize how much I missed him. He seems to be the only person really interested in how I'm doing.

"Well I'm not mind controlled anymore! Nat, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Thor, Steve, and I teamed up to defeat Loki, saved the day, and wrecked New York a bit," I explain. There's so much to catch up on!

"Also, I was going through your files and found out about my family. I went to meet my grandfather and my sister, who's apparently alive. I hope you're not mad, but I had to know."

"I'm not mad at all, Sweetie. So what was it like working with the Captain?" He inquires, letting his inner fanboy come out.

"He's sweet, but authoritative. He's a real gentleman, y'know. It's like he really cares," I ramble on, trying to hide my blush.

He gives me a "you like him" look and I roll my eyes with a laugh. He knows me way too well.

"Well I have business to do. I'll see you tonight at dinner! I love you!" I yell, running out the door.

I make my way back to my office, and halfway through I realize that I forgot to unfreeze the camera in Conference Room B. Oops.

Once I get to the office, I take all the piles of paper from dad's files, shove it back into the Manila folder, then put it in the bottom filing cabinet. I don't want anyone to see that I'm holding onto it and get suspicious, but at the same time I'm too worried that we might need something in there.

"Are you alright?" Steve asks, standing in the doorway of the office. So much for wanting nobody to see that I'm holding onto the files.

"I just want to keep them. In a way to remember him?" I explain, but second guess myself. I guess I'll have to put on two different acts depending on who I'm around.

"I understand that completely... Is there any way that I could take a look at Peggy Carter's files?" he questions, still standing in the doorway.

"She's relaxing in a nursing home in Washington D.C. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I completely forgot until now," I apologize.

"It's fine. I'll have to go see her sometime. Oh and Tony's having a party tomorrow... if you wanted to go... with me. He says he's unveiling something absolutely genius?" he offers.

I smile, "I'd love to go. This thing better be genius though." There are so many surprises, the last thing I need is something incredibly genius to change my world again.

"So I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asks. I nod.

"Yup. See you then."

Steve walks out of the room. I close the door behind him and slide onto the floor. He finally asked me out! Unless he plans on going only as friends. Nonetheless it looks like I'm going out with the Captain tomorrow!

A Frozen Love (A MCU Captain America Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now