Ultron? (Age of Ultron part 1)

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(We're going to keep Age of Ultron short, and creative [like going off and doing things that aren't in the movie!] so this is part 1... we're cutting out the battle in the beginning due to relevance... sorry for anything inaccurate to the movie !)

The party is just like all of Tony's other parties. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that we can trust, the avengers obviously, and some of Tony's close friends (by some of, I mean everyone he's ever met).

Steve is off doing who knows what per usual, so I meet up with Thor, Maria, McKenzie, Tony and his friend Rhodey.

"...I'm like 'Boom. You looking for this?'" Rhodey explains, telling his long War Machine story.

"Is that the whole story?" I ask, sharing a smirk with McKenzie.

"Yeah it's a War Machine story."

"It's very good then," Maria adds, along with the others sending in some words of encouragement. McKenzie and I get out of there as soon as Thor and Tony start bragging relentlessly about their girlfriends.

"Kinda makes me regret being single. I wish I had a guy who would talk me up like that," McKenzie says, thinking out loud, "how's Steve doing on finding me a friend anyways?"

"The guy can't even spend ten minutes at a party with me, much less find you anyone unfortunately. I swear he's so distracted. Super sweet, but distracted. He rarely even talks to me anymore outside of being an Avenger," I complain.

"Well..." she responds, evidently looking around the room, "make him want to spend time with you." She points to the closest bar, an older man with a dark-colored cap, sunglasses, and a gray jacket (yes, this is 100% Stan Lee). "See how well you can flirt with him."

This used to be a thing we'd do before I dated Ward. Eager to find me a boyfriend, McKenzie would take me out to bars and point out the guy of the day to flirt with. It was a ton of fun. Might as well brush up on the skills. I grin and walk over to him.

"Hi! Mind if I sit here?" I ask, lightly pulling my dress down. It's all black, relatively short, but with a high neck. Gotta be fashionable, but still kind of conservative. He motions for me to take a seat.

"A glass of wine for the lady, please" the man requests.

"So, I'm Hannah, and you are...?" I ask, anticipating Steve's return at any moment.

"I'm Stan. Stan Lee. Kind of a big deal. World War II veteran, awesome writer, fantastic artist. So, tell me a little bit about yourself."

I quickly turn around to see Steve talking to McKenzie, and Brooke? Who knows when she got here. Time to kick it into gear. "How about we talk more about you?" I ask, turning my flirty voice on, lightly touching his arm.

"Well, there's so much to tell. See, I'm an older man, but that doesn't have anything to do with my love life. As a World War vet, we learned how to be independent, strong, everything a girl would want. Especially a girl just like you," Stan explains, though I hardly listen to what he's saying. Just waiting for Steve.

And suddenly, there he comes. He protectively puts his hand on my back. "Hi honey. What are you up to?" Steve asks. Finally.

I give him an innocent smile. "Have you met Stan yet? He's a World War II vet. Isn't that cool?" I brag sweetly.

"Oh, that sounds really interesting," he compliments, "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" He asks me, making me giddy with excitement. Something finally worked, hopefully. I get up and follow him nonchalantly, not before winking at McKenzie.

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