The Banquet

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A/N: So funny story actually. I got a new phone and lost the password to this account. Luckily though I remembered it and got back in! Hey, 24.8k views? You guys are insane! Hopefully you'll all stick with me while I'm trying to get things all figured out with a schedule. School is crazy, but I've let go of a few of my clubs so that I have more time to do the things I love, which includes writing. Thanks for all your nice encouraging notes... I really appreciate it. Anyways, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

I slip into my Blizzard suit, feeling good in the navy blue colors and the comfort it brings to me.

"Steve," I yell, he's sitting in the living room area of my floor, "could you please get me my gloves?"

Hearing footsteps I presume he hears me. A small knock on my door alerts me that he's found them. I quickly throw my hair up into its ponytail then open the door.

Outside is Steve, in his super attractive Captain America suit, holding my matching gloves for my outfit.

"You look... really nice," he compliments, a light blush showing through his mask.

"So do you," I reply giving him a small peck on the lips. "But I didn't mean these gloves, sorry about that."

I take the gloves and push them into my pocket, just in case, and then open a drawer on the dresser where my television sits. Inside is a pair of light blue gloves that match the jagged snowflake symbol on my outfit. The only visible difference between these new gloves and the one Steve handed me is the color. The other ones are navy, while these are light blue.

The main difference between these new gloves and the ones Steve handed me, though, is quite extraordinary. My other gloves help strengthen my ice powers and help harness the energy. These gloves prohibit me from freezing most stuff. It's just a precaution, but I put them on anyways.

"So, are you uh, ready to go now?" Steve asks, walking towards me and offering me his arm.

"Sure thing" I respond, taking the elevator down to the ground floor with him. Once we reach the bottom, we find the others waiting for us.

"You guys ready to go?" Tony asks, hovering in the air with his iron man suit.

"Yeah yeah let's just get this over with," Natasha mutters, her face not being covered by a mask. I notice that Clint doesn't have a mask on either. Then again, they're the world's best assassins; they can handle themselves without masks.

"I made a surprise for you guys. IT'S AN AVENGERS PARTY BUS!" Tony squeals, showing off his newest creation: a party bus with a huge Avengers logo on the front and all of our faces painted on the side.

Clint groans, looking at the monstrous machine. "Looks great. Don't want to call any attention to ourselves or anything" he moans, but the more he looks at it his face turns into a smirk and he begins laughing. Clint and tony eagerly hop on the bus, the rest of us moping behind them.

"Alright let's kick it! Jarvis, would you mind driving us to the mayor's office?" Tony asks in his sweetest voice possible. Without a problem of course, we're on our way there. In the meantime I take a look at everyone on the bus. Thor is in his full gear- including helmet. He must want to make an impression. Bruce isn't even on the bus. Soon enough I remember that he was going to go ahead, as he was invited to the banquet because of his high reputation as a renowned scientist.

Once we finally enter the building, I'm overwhelmed by all of the people waiting for us. Doctors, scientists, heads of giant corporations all sit at tables in their best attire. I feel ridiculously underdressed and uncomfortable in my skintight suit. Out of the corner of my eye I see Steve feeling the same way. Before I can say a word though, the mayor himself walks up to greet us.

"So this is everyone. So nice to meet you all," he greets, shaking all of our hands, "you didn't happen to bring your green friend?"

"He couldn't attend unfortunately," Nat says. I can see Bruce out of the corner of my eye and I can't help but smile in his direction.

"Where's all the fun stuff? The kids?" Tony asks, popping the helmet of his suit off to reveal his face. "I have a few cool tricks to show off to them, but it's all a bunch of people in suits. And not the cool kind that fly."

"They'll be outside after the ceremony. If you could all take your seats over here; we're just about to begin," the mayor responds, ushering us all over to a table in the center of the room.

The overall assembly is quite boring. The food is rather bland and the businesspeople are extremely courteous but their talk on stocks and how their corporations are emerging is far beyond me.

After the ceremony though, we depart and are met with tons of excited fans, lined up behind ropes that make a pathway for us. Kids are cheering our names, holding up signs and are in full costume.

Steve grabs my hand, nervous with so many people being around. "It's such a great night, but how has nothing gone wrong? We're right here. How is nothing standing up against us?" He whispers.

I try to come up with a response, but immediately reporters are crowding us with microphones and cameramen with their cameras. "Blizzard! Are you and the Captain a thing now?" They ask, shoving a microphone towards my face. "Can you control your ice?" They yell. I take a deep breath, looking at all of the other heroes being mobbed by the press. Letting myself smile politely at all of them, I walk back to the bus. We survived the press.

"Well, now that we were able to go through that snooze fest, how about an actual party?" Tony cheers, flooring the gas pedal and taking us back up toward Avengers Tower.

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