Chapter 1- Anne

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It was a week since Anne had sent the letters to Sasha and Marcy's parents. She hadn't said a word to her parents about her. She knew she had to keep a low profile but how could she not reach out to them?

Anne sat on her bed, back against the hard wood board. She looks at the engravings SW and MW. She looks away. Oh how she missed them.

Creek! Anne turns to the door, seeing Sprig hop in. "Anne! It's lunch time!"

Anne quickly wipes the tears from her face with her jacket sleeves. "Alright!" She cheers. "She promised me she'd make my favorite today!"

"Awesome!" Sprig cheers back, hopping out of her room. Anne gives him a smile as he shuts the door. How much longer could she keep this up?

Anne hops off her bed and pulls out her phone. Not a single call back from Terry or Jane. Come on... she thinks. She walks to the door of her room and opens it, walking out and down the stairs. At the table was her mom, dad, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly. And of course, there was her favorite on the plate, thai pad with chicken. Anne sits down as everyone looks at her.

"Anne?" Her mom starts. "Are you feeling okay?"
Anne looks at her mother, pulling a big smile. "Of course! I'm so excited to eat this."

Her mom and dad look at each other confusingly, then back at Anne. "Alright then."

Anne starts eating quietly, as the family starts bursting into conversation.

I wonder where Sasha is, She thinks. And Marcy. She almost chocked on her food. It was too painful to even think about her friends.

DING DONG! Anne hears.

"Oh that must be the package I got for your dad. Anne, would you mind getting that?" Her mom asked.

"O-Of course," Anne says, standing up and heading for the door. She twists the knob, but to her utter horror it was no package.

The person who stood there was a tall woman with brown eyes and blond hair in a bun. She wore a white suit with a black skirt, that obviously looked expensive. Sasha's mom.

Ms. Waybright's eyes widened. "Anne?!"

And that was when Anne realized she was screwed.

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