Chapter 21- Sasha

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     "Sasha, you fool!" She screams, pounding her fist on the ground, which left a large crater. "Shoot."

     She had been walking for 9 hours straight, no break. Until she happened to collapse on the floor.

     Sasha rolled onto her back, panting heavily. "Why did I think I could do this alone?!" She shouted angrily. She made sure not to hit anything again in fear of exploding the whole island.

     Sasha sat up slowly as she grabbed a loaf of bread from her bag. "Eww," she groans. "Why do frogs only  eat flies?!" Sasha was used to having the toads wait on her with human food. But life wasn't as nice as it was back then.

     Come on, Sasha! Her mind told her. Take a break!

     Don't listen to inner Sasha, Sasha! The other part of her mind shouts. You don't have the time to rest right now!

     Shut up, Inner Sasha! Sasha can't help anyone till she helps herself.

     You shut up, Inner Sasha! Every second she takes a break could be used for moving forward to save her friends.

     "Both of you two, shut up!" Sasha shouts, munching on the bread, not even caring about the flies anymore. Sasha stood up again. "Oh toad... I'm starting to hear voices." Sasha got herself to continue walking, but it was getting rather painful for her.

"I shouldn't have left," she admitted to herself, looking back. "But it's too late now, I guess..."

Sasha continued walking as the sun was starting to set. "Oh dear.." she muttered in despair. She suddenly heard a small snap noise, as if someone stepped on a twig. She turned around rapidly, drawing her sword.

She wasn't scared. She fought plenty of creatures before. But she might've been too proud, because she never saw a creature quite like that one.

It was tall with long boney wings, like a pterodactyl. It had sharp fangs and his eyes read I feel like murdering something.

"Okay, Waybright," she says. "You got this." She charged forward to the creature immediately. She jumped onto the back of the creature, about to stab it through the back but the wing threw her off, causing her to fly into a nearby tree.

Apparently the throw was so bad it left a large crater in the tree trunk. Also some damage in Sasha's ribs. She clutched the side of her rib as she buckled her teeth together. "Ahh.." She muttered in pain. "Okay, plan b." She ran towards the bird thing again. This time, she drew the sword and aimed for the leg. But this time, it pulled the leg up before she could slice, stomping onto her, causing her to fall onto her back. It crushed her ribs roughly as Sasha let out a shrilling scream.

Though in deep pain, she raised the sword and sliced off the leg of the weird bird thing. The bird screeched in pain. It then went down, opening its mouth to reveal the hundreds of fangs. It snapped at Sasha, but luckily she managed to roll backwards and avoid getting chomped on. But her luck ran out as the bird caught her the second time, picking her up in it's mouth. "Not like this!" Sasha shouts, kicking the bird in the neck causing the bird to drop her. But sadly, the drop was rather high. She landed on her back once again as the bird flew off and retreated.

So there Sasha was. In the woods, badly wounded, as the sun set. "God... I'm such an idiot..." She whispered, crying to herself as she managed to crawl under a tree. "I shouldn't have left them..." Sasha knew she was so impulsive and impatient sometimes. Even back at home. That's why she got into so many school fights. Sure, they normally deserved it, but she'd never listen to Anne and Marcy.

~ ~ ~ ~

"She did what to you?!" Sasha would yell. Marcy and Anne nodded sadly. "Oh hell no!" Sasha had shouted angrily, getting up from her lunch seat. She stormed over to Maggie's table and slammed her hand on it. "Hey you ugly sicko! Did you take my friends lunch?!"

Maggie laughed nervously. "Well, yeah."

"Sasha, it's okay, I can buy something else or share with Anne," Marcy tried to insist but it was too late.

Sasha threw a devastatingly hard lunch right at her face, causing her to fall backwards and crash into a group of students. "Fight!" Some student yelled, which caused a large group of students to surround the two of them. And that's when Sasha got into her first school fight. But it was definitely not the last.

~ ~ ~ ~

She sat up. It was morning again. "Hey I didn't die!" She said excitedly. She was actually feeling slightly better. Definitely less tired. She turned around. "Hey Grime, I-"

No one.

She sighed. "Right. I'm now even more lonely than ever. Nice going, Waybright."

She stood up once more and ventured off into the woods.

A/N/ OKAY! It's the moment you have all been waiting for! Next chapter will indeed be pretty epic! Grab a tissue box! Get some popcorn! Next chapter is tomorrow! Sorry to cut this one short I just wanted to get the Sasha POV part done so I can get to work on the next chapter >: )

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