Chapter 7- Anne

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Anne was surprised that half a year away from Earth almost made her forget where Marcy's house was. Almost.

As she strolled through the neighborhood, she felt a wave of nostalgia as she reached Marcy's house. She took a deep breath. There was no point of hiding now. Sasha's mom knew. It's time.

Anne knocked on the door as she gulped. She heard footsteps getting louder and louder as the door clicked open. What she saw left her in complete shock.

There was a lady with long brown hair in a ponytail. She seemed to be in her forties. "Hello?"

Anne shook off the shock as she tried to remember what to say. "Hello! I'm here to see... Mr and Ms. Wu?"

The lady paused and thought for a moment. "Oh! Those are the old home owners I believe."

Anne's eyes widened. "What do you mean the old?" It couldn't be..

"I only recently moved it . Just a few weeks. I'm sorry, Kid."

Anne was visibly shaking but she gave the lady a nice smile. "I-It's okay," she whispers. "Thank you." The lady shut the door as Anne made her way home, tears flowing.

They left her? Anne thought. Anne sat under a large tree and fell down on her butt, crying her eyes out. "No..." She whispers. "Everything has to be perfect for when Marcy comes home. She is going to come home and be with her parents. She's going to be happy.." Anne buried her face into her knees. "How will I get her home to her parents..?"

Anne sat there for a while. Her heart ached with worry for her two friends. She didn't know if they would even want to come home at this point. As hard as Anne was with Sasha, she knew how hard it was for her, especially after her parents split. And Marcy... how would she ever come home if her parents weren't even waiting for her?

Anne sat up slowly. "No point crying about it," she tells herself, sniffling. "If I..." she pauses. "When I bring Marcy and Sasha back, they'll be here right next to me. We can laugh and goof off again. We can... be happy again. I just know it."

Anne made her way back home, filled with determination. She was going to save her friends.

A/N/ This chapter is short.. whoops. I really miss Amphibia. Although it's only a head canon that Sasha's parents are split up and that Marcy isn't close with hers, I still decided to add it into the fanfiction. Umm hope it doesn't trigger any of ya'll if it does just let me know :)

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