Chapter 44- Sasha~ Final Battle Part 2

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     Sasha stood at the steps of Newtopia, her friends by her side. She turned back around to look at Anne and Marcy, giving them a reassuring smile. "Okay guys, we had a rough time, but now all that's left is to defeat Andrias and then we're done."

     "Right! Ah freedom is so close I can almost taste it!" Anne says, pumping one fist into the air excitedly.

     Marcy smiled. "Yeah.." Sasha could tell when Marcy faked a smile. It was easy really. And when she was stressed, she'd play with her hair, which she was doing. Her hair had grown a phenomenal amount, now going a little past her shoulders. Sasha could almost not recognize her. Marcy always kept her hair short, her parents would cut it every chance they got. That's what Marcy had told her at least.

     Sasha turned back to the stairs. "Let's go!" She says, leading the way. She suddenly feels the presence of her friend, peering behind her.

     "Sasha, are you sure you're ready?" He asks her.

     "Yes, Grime," Sasha says, crossing her arms. "You should've seen me, I kind of have my powers under control. Well, not as well as Anne, but I'm really doing it. We just have to kill Andrias and everything will be solved."
     "Yes, but how will you go home?" Grime asks.

     Sasha hesitates. Shoot. She didn't even think of that yet. "One thing at a time, Grime," Sasha says, waving him off. If she was being honest, going home wasn't her priority right now.

     Grime shrugged. "Also what happened to your hair?"

     Sasha looked away. "Marcy. Look, it's not important. In fact, I kind of like it." Sasha has seen some messed up things in Amphibia, but that was probably the thing she'll never forget.

She slowly approached the last few steps of the stairs before reaching the palace, or rather what was left of it. It was almost completely destroyed, large chunks of the walls broken down and scattered around. "Whoa.." Sasha mutters.

"The palace!" Marcy exclaims. "What happened to it?"

"It got destroyed during.. our battle," Anne explains. "But it fell apart when I was fighting Andrias."

"Well where is he now?" Sprig asks.

"I.. I'm not sure. He couldn't have gone far, though."

Suddenly, under the pile of destroyed castle parts started shifting in a way. Sasha drew her sword quickly. "Get behind me," she orders, as she slowly approached it.

"What is it?" Anne whispers.

Suddenly, it burst up, causing the castle ruin pieces to fly everywhere. Sasha managed to dodge one, before turning back. Luckily no one got hit. She turned around to see what it was. Large and metal, circular with 6 legs, but the worst of all, 12 glowing eyes.

     "What is that?!" HopPop shouts.

     "It's the Core!" Anne says.

     "BUT HOW DID IT SURVIVE?!" Sasha asks, as it quickly extended its arm, grabbing Sasha by the face. "AAH!" She shrieks as it dragged Sasha across the floor, throwing her into a wall. The pain jolted around Sasha's body. "Aughhh," Sasha groans, falling onto the floor.

     "Sasha!!" Anne shouts. Sasha looked up to see Anne activate her power, flying straight towards The Core. She attempts to punch it but it caught her using one of its mechanical arms, throwing her onto the ground.

     "Anne!" Marcy and Sasha shout as Sasha ran over to her friends. Sasha pulled Anne up, but Anne was badly injured on her leg. A purple twisted bruise. Sasha didn't even want to look.

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