Chapter 9- Marcy

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     Marcy was a little kid again. She and Anne and Sasha played together in the Sasha's backyard. Just 8, maybe 9. They ran around, giggling, doing their kid shenanigans.

     Anne chased after her as she touches her back, yelling, "Tag! You're it!" Marcy ended up tumbling forward landing flat on her face.

     "Oww!" Marcy whines, as Anne and Sasha run over to help her up.

     Anne laughed as she pulled out a bandage from her pocket. Anne always had bandages for Marcy. Marcy fell like twice a day.

     Sasha pulled Marcy up as Marcy cried, pointing to her knee that had some blood prying through.
     "Sorry, Mar-Mar," Anne said, placing a bandage over. "Are you okay?"

     Marcy sniffled. "Yeah, I'm okay."

     "Good," Sasha said, patting her head. "One day, you might tumble down a mountain."

     "Sasha!" Anne chided, but ended up giggling.

     Marcy couldn't help laughing too. Marcy, at the time, could definitely see herself tumbling down a mountain.

     "Sasha! Marcy! Anne!" A voice called as they all look up and saw Sasha's mother standing by the door of the backyard. "It's time to eat."

     Marcy brushed the dirt off her skirt. "Let's go!" She said, linking arms with the girls, as they all walked into Sasha's house.

     "What the-" Marcy mumbles, as she lied in a literal puddle of darkness. Everything around her was pitch black. Marcy couldn't find the strength to stand up. She was rather confused, not knowing where she was. She sat there, her eyes only half open, her hearing almost completely muffled. She felt weak. Well, weaker than usual. She could definitely hear things, but it was so quiet. She just wanted to go back to sleep.


She flinched. Was that my... name? Her eyes widened. Oh right. I'm Marcy.. I think. She tried to get up but it didn't work. She just closed her eyes. It was too much strength to keep them open. Wait.. what was I just doing again? Marcy took a second to think. I've just been... sitting here?

"Marcy!!! Please!!"

Marcy's eyes opened again. There it is. My name again?


Marcy lied there. What's going on..? She thinks. Who keeps calling my name...

"Can you hear me?!" She heard again.

"Yeah..?" Marcy managed to mumble out.

"Marcy! It's me! Sasha!"

Marcy flinched at the name Sasha. Sasha? Sasha..? She closed her eyes and relaxed herself. Sounds familiar.. but I can't..

Marcy's eyes suddenly widened. "Sasha?" She says, trying to get up, but struggling tremendously. It was like she was completely paralyzed. She shook as she tried with all her strength to get up, failing badly.

"Marcy!!! Please!" Marcy heard, which fueled her even more.

She pushed with her arms to get up, using every bit of energy left. Even with the pain burning through, she kept pushing until she did manage to be in a sitting position on her bottom. She turned to the right to see that big screen she had once saw through the Core. She gasped in horror as she saw Sasha, gripping a sword, fighting with her body. She looked completely beat up.

"SASHA!" She screamed. "NO!" She pushed herself to her feet, but that was it. She could just stand there. No energy left to walk over. "Please!! Just stop this!" She begs to the core. It was the last resort. "I'll do anything! Sasha! She's one of my best friends!! You can't take her!"

"We can do what we want," 8 voices responded, at once.

"No! I won't let you!"

"It's only a matter of time before you become one of us," the voices replied. "We all struggle at first."
"I'll never be apart of this stupid hive mind! I am my own person!" Marcy yells.

"They all say that," they said, in a sarcastic voice.
Marcy shut her eyes tightly. "You can't use me.. to hurt my friend...."

Suddenly, it lifted up the sword, about to finish the very wounded Sasha. Sasha sat in horror, gripping her body that had many slashes of blood.

"NO!" Marcy screamed, loud enough to echo through her mind. But suddenly, she saw different. She saw her arm just slightly hovering above Sasha. "S-Sasha..?" She managed to mumble.

"Marcy?!" Sasha manages to say, standing up and reaching her arm out.

"How did she manage to regain control?!" The voices ask.

Marcy suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She let out a shrilling scream, gripping her hands on her head. With her last strength she looked into Sasha's eyes. "Sasha.. run."

"Marcy!" Sasha says, tears streaming from her eyes. "I'm not leaving you! We were separated for long enough, I-"

"You have to get out of here!" Marcy yells, before collapsing onto her knees. "I... I can't.. control much longer... go!"

Sasha covered her mouth with her hands as she stood up and slowly backed away, until running as fast as she could. Marcy smiled a little, before collapsing completely, opening her eyes to being in her mind again.

"Well I have to say that was rather impressive," the core says. "No ones ever held on that long. You're definitely something, Marcy Wu."

Marcy couldn't even move. She burned with exhaustion.

Sasha, she thinks. Please... stay safe.
A/N/ since I haven't made a new chapter in a few days (whoops) you get some lore 😀

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