Chapter 48- Marcy ~ Finale Part 3

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Marcy ran out the door and towards the stairs. She absolutely could not handle a second more in that room. But of course, naturally as Marcy reached the stairs, she tripped on something. She would've went tumbling down the stairs again but someone caught her, pulling her back.

"Marcy, what are you doing?" The voice asked.

Marcy turned back to see Olivia and Yunnan standing there. Olivia had a golden crown on her head and wore a beautiful and silky gown. Yunnan looked the absolute same. Apparently she wears her armor 24/7?

"Mom!" Marcy stammers.

"You almost fell down those stairs again, kiddo. You've got to be more careful," Yunnan says, ruffling her hair as Marcy laughed, for a brief moment forgetting all her problems.

Olivia's face fell. "Marcy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Marcy sniffled. "I-It's nothing."

"Nonsense. As your mom, I am fully obligated to talk to you when you're feeling down. I read that in a book, 'How To Be a Newt Mom'."

"I'm fine," Marcy insists, wiping her tears on her sweater sleeves. "See? Fine!"

"Talk to us," Yunnan says, taking Marcy's hand and leading her to a small chair next to the stairway. Marcy sat down on it, looking up at her newt moms.

"I had a talk with Anne and Sasha," Marcy quietly says, burying her face into her hands. "Anne.. she said my parents moved away.. they left me behind."

Olivia and Yunnan gasped. "No..!" Olivia says.

"That's horrible, Marcy!" Yunnan says softly. "How are you feeling with this?"

     "Just as well as you'd expect. Which is not well." Marcy sighed. "I don't want to go home."

     "W-What?" Olivia stutters. "You want to stay here in Amphibia..?"

     "Well.. yeah. I know it was the plan for me to go home but.. I don't know anymore.. it's not like my parents ever cared about me.. or loved me.. it's different here. I like it here. And in Amphibia has my two moms." Marcy looked up at her moms once again, smiling.

     "Marcy," Olivia says, quietly. "We absolutely love you, both of us do.. but are you sure you don't want to return to your real parents?"

     "They are not my parents," Marcy coldly whispers. "If they were, they'd love me.. even back home it was always me never being good enough for them. I wasn't graceful enough, I wasn't pretty enough, I wasn't even smart enough!" Marcy cries, brushing the hair out of her face. She didn't want to cry in front of her moms again but she couldn't help it. "I just want to be somewhere where I have someone to rely on.."

     "You have Anne and Sasha," Yunnan suggests. "What are they going to do?"

     "If I'm being honest, I'm not sure about Sasha but Anne was dead set on going home.. she didn't take it too well about me wanting to stay."

Olivia and Yunnan looked at each other before looking at Marcy once again. "Marcy," Olivia says softly, sitting down beside her. "You will always have a place here in Amphibia. In fact, Yunnan and I have really grown to love you, you've grown up so much and we're proud to call you our daughter. But we.. we're not sure if staying in Amphibia is the best idea."

"For starters there's not much human food here, it's kind of hard to find," Yunnan says. "Eating bugs every day isn't good for you." Uh yeah, Marcy kinda got grossed out by it but she grew to tolerate the bugs.

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