Chapter 28- Anne

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     A/N/ this chapter has some intense final scenes. It may be scary for younger readers.

     Anne slowly peaked her head up. Her eye sight was hazy and she was feeling weak. She gasps in horror as she saw Sasha completely beaten up a few feet ahead of her. "Sasha!"

     Anne slowly got to her feet. She looked at Marcy. No. It wasn't Marcy..

"One down.. one left," They say, looking at Anne. Anne balled up her fist.

"Just try.." She whispers, holding Sasha close to her. "Just try and take me down!"

She rested Sasha down softly as she turned back to her. "You're freaking dead!" She screams. "You've taken everything from me! You've taken Marcy, you've hurt Sasha! You even took my family from me!" Anne felt power surging through her. My powers..? "I'm not letting you leave here alive!" Anne picks up Sasha's sword before flying straight towards The Core at a speed of 100 mph, crashing into a different room with them. Anne punched them right in the face, so hard a bruise formed on their cheek fast, blood dripping. They reached up quickly, pulling Anne by the hair and throwing her onto the floor. Anne kicked them straight in the stomach, but of course the strength she gained with her calamity powers, it causes them to go tumbling backwards so hard, they left a crater in the wall.

Anne ran over to them once again, lifting them up and throwing them roughly onto the floor. "GIVE MARCY BACK!" She screams. She kicks them on the face, causing them to fall backwards, before pulling them up again by the hair. She threw them very roughly onto the floor, so hard it left a crater on the floor. "GIVE HER BACK!" She screams, raising the sword. She was fully ready to kill them once and for all, moving Sasha's sword straight for the neck.

     Anne felt a strong pull back. Anne looks up to see Sasha, surprisingly. Her short hair was glowing pink and flowing in the air. "Anne.. don't.." she was still looking pretty beat up but Anne knew the calamity powers gave more energy to them.

     Anne gave herself a second to breathe before looking down. They were beaten up badly. "You're still trying to protect her..?" They mutter. They slowly got up, paralyzing Anne and Sasha with the eye in the armor. "That's funny, really. Almost pity you. Should've let Heart finish the job, hm Strength?"

     Anne really couldn't break out this time. She could only look into Marcy's eyes, even if they weren't hers. "Come on.. I know you're in there, Marce.. and this time, we can do things right... we can go home together... you have to resist.."

     "Yeah, Marcy!" Sasha pipes in. "We don't only want you back, we need you. We aren't going anywhere."

     Though a small tear falls from Marcy's face, she still smiled evilly. "Bye."

     They pulled out the flame sword again, raising it to Anne. Anne shut her eyes in fear, a single tear falling down. "I'm so sorry.." she manages to whisper, before meeting her fate.

     But nothing happened.

     Anne slowly looks up to see The Core standing above them, shaking, eyes tightly shut. "I..."

     The paralyzation suddenly vanished as Anne fell to her knees along with Sasha before running over. "Marcy?" Anne whispers, reaching out one hand before it got violently slapped away. Anne took a step backwards.

     They opened their eyes to reveal dark brown eyes, full of pain. Tears flew down. "Anne.. Sasha..?"

     "Marcy!" They both yell, about to run to her before she let out a shrill scream.

     She fell to her knees, burying herself into her hands. "I- I can't.. I can't control it!" She warns. "You two have to get out!"

     "What?" Anne says. "No, not without you!"

     "Yeah!" Sasha agrees.

     "NO!" Marcy yells. "You don't understand! I can't get them out..!"

     "No! There has to be a way!" Anne argues. "Anything! We aren't leaving without you, Marcy!" Anne tried reach each out her hand to her but Marcy screamed again, causing her to pull it back.

     "Marcy, we can't leave you!" Sasha cries. "Not after everything! We're going to get you home..!"

     "I... I.. no..! I can't! It's too much! I can't get them out..!" Marcy cries, before letting out another painful scream.

     "Marcy, how do we help you?!" Anne begs.

     "You can't, Anne!" Marcy says, finally opening her eyes again. This time, her left pupil was half orange. "I'm afraid this is permanent.. unless you end it.."

     "What do you mean, end it?" Sasha asks. But Anne knew fully what she meant.

     "I can't get The Core out," Marcy explains, gripping her head, "The only way to get it out of me is to kill me!"

     "What..?" Sasha whispers, covering her mouth.
Anne's heart was pounding, tears were slowly falling down her face.

      "Guys, please!" Marcy begs, before letting out another painful scream. She clutched the eye on her armor. "I'm running out of time! This is the only way we can stop The Core!"

     "You can't ask that of me!" Anne protests. "Marcy! I promised myself I'd never go back without you..!"

     "Anne's right! There has to be some other way!"

     "THERE ISN'T!" Marcy screams, covering her left eye with her hand. "I... I've caused so much damage to this place... I have to fix this.. please.. just let me.."

     "NO!" Sasha screams, pulling Marcy into a tight hug. "I.. I.. I can't do it..!"

     Anne hugged the both of them too, crying into Sasha's hair. Her eyes stung with all the tears. "Sasha... I'll do it.." Anne whispers.

     "What..?" Sasha shouts, pulling away from the two. "Anne, you're crazy! We have to do something else, we-"

     "We don't have a choice," Anne cries, motioning to Marcy. "She's suffering, Sasha.. this is the only way to help her."

     Sasha covered her mouth with her hand, shutting her eyes tight, but the tears still wouldn't stop. Sasha sniffled. "I..." she turns to Marcy one last time. "Marcy... I love you... I.. I'm so sorry for everything..." she hugged Marcy tightly as Marcy just stood there, not evening having the strength to hug back.

     "I forgive you, Sasha," Marcy whispers, crying into her hair. "I... I'm so sorry too..."

      Marcy turns to Anne. Marcy was clearly struggling deeply to hold it back, so Anne had to go quick. "Marcy.." Anne says, leaning down to her. "I... I love you. I always have... you were always so amazing and cute and smart... I... I forgive you for everything.. I wish things could've turned out different.. I wish we could have had a future together..." Anne pulled Marcy in tightly, crying into her fluffy hair. It would be the last time she would ever see it. "Thank you for everything... I'll miss you so-" Anne chocked. "So.. much.."

     Marcy nods. "Anne... Sasha..." She let out a small twitch in pain before continuing. "Thank you for everything.."

     Anne stood up, legs shaking. Be strong, she thinks to herself. She raised the flaming sword at Marcy. She shut her eyes tight as she sliced down, ending her best friends life.

     "I am so sorry.."

     All there was was blood.

     A/N/ please don't hate me

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