Chapter 32- Marcy

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     A/N/ Fun fact, you, yes you, reading this missed Marcy POV chapters. Now you get one. But it'll be sad ;)

     Marcy thought she was dead.

     To be fair, she was. For a while at least. Dying isn't nearly as exciting as people think it would be. No, she didn't become an angel and ascend to the sky paradise like she hoped. It was just.. black.

     But the black was way better than fighting against The Core. They were loud. Marcy did indeed join The Core. She didn't mean to, it just happened. It was tiring fighting back anyways, it was like if someone had infinite energy and was forced to run on a treadmill every day for a week. They didn't get tired physically, but mentally? Yes. Marcy was exhausted.

     She didn't really know what she was doing, to be honest. She was completely unconscious inside the mind. It was all them. Until she heard the voices of Anne and Sasha. She could hear them muffled at first. She was too tired to wake up and find out what it was. Until...

     "Come on... I know you're in there Marcy.. and this time, we can do things right. We can go home together. You just have to resist."

     Marcy's eyes opened. "Anne..?" She whispers. She looked around to see the 8 eyes again.  They just stared at her.

     "Yeah Marcy! We don't only want you back, we need you. We aren't going anywhere."

     "Sashy..?" Marcy whispers, eyes opened wide. "Oh my frog! How long was I out?!" All she could see were the eyes in a black void.

     "4 days," one of the newts say, gleefully. "So go back to sleep."

     "Those are my friends!" Marcy yells. "You have to stop!"

      "Sorry kiddo," the newt says. "We gotta kill Heart and Strength. Nothing against you, just got to do our job before we can take over Earth again."

     "You can't!" Marcy cries. "I..." she had a sharp headache. She let out a loud and painful shrill scream.

     "What's going on?!" A voice demands.

     "I don't know! This has never happened before!" Another yelled.

     Marcy dug her fingers into her head as she screamed in pain. She opened her eyes slowly to see her two friends in front of her. And well.. we know what happened next.

- Time Skip -

     Marcy's eyes flew open as she panted, looking around in horror. Where am I? I wasn't here! She started hyperventilating with panic before she realized Sasha, Olivia, and Yunnan were all kneeling beside her.

     "MARCY!" Sasha screams, hugging her tightly. So tightly that Marcy felt like her body would snap in half.

     "I... I..." Marcy looks around in confusion. Where was she? She was dead a minute ago. "What? What's going on?"

     Olivia and Yunnan each took one of her hands. "You'll be okay," Olivia promised.

     That didn't reassure Marcy. She slowly turned to Sasha, who seemed badly injured. Did I do that, she thinks in horror. "Sashy..?"

      Sasha hugged Marcy again, super tightly. "Oh Marcy.. I'm so glad you're back! B-But how are you back? Is The Core still in there?"

     Marcy suddenly heard a loud noise in the back of her head. She winced. "HOW DOES SHE HAVE CONTROL AGAIN?!" The voice demanded as many different voices started arguing. It drove Marcy crazy. Of course, she struggled to stay in control again. "I..." Marcy mutters, trying to communicate with The Core, but obviously failed due to her weak state. "It's.. get out..!"

     "Marcy..?" Sasha asks, in horror.

     "AHHHH!" Marcy screamed in horror, covering her left eye. It burned. She felt herself slipping.

     "MARCY!" They all yelled, as Sasha helped Marcy slowly lower her hand.

     They gasped in horror. "I... I can't last much longer!! I told you!" Marcy yells, tears running down her face. "I told you, Sasha..! I... I don't know why you even brought me with you!"

     "I couldn't leave you!" Sasha cries, placing her hand on Marcy's. "And if there's anything I can do, I will do it!"

     "You guys have to leave!" Marcy begs. "That's all I ask.. I can't stop it..!"

     "Yes you can!" Sasha insists, holding onto Marcy tightly. Sasha turned to Olivia and Yunnan. "Guys what do we do??"

     Olivia gasped. "It's her calamity powers!"

     Yunnan turned to Olivia. "What do you mean?"

     "Her calamity power is to heal! It could help her hold on a little longer before we find out what to do."

     "W-What..?!" Marcy whispers. "I can't! I have never used it before it's just all over the place!" She let out another painful yell.

     Sasha reached forward and held both of Marcy's hands. "Hey, Marce," Sasha says to her. "You're going to be fine. You just have to focus. And if anyone can do it, it's you, Marcy Wu."

     Marcy looks into Sasha's eyes, complete fear written in it. "Oh Sash.." she whispers. "I'm sorry I can't.. you have to get out of here. I just don't know how much longer I can hold it! I need to do this for you, to make up for everything I did-"

"ENOUGH!" Sasha snaps. "You don't have to make up for anything, Marcy! In fact, the only thing I want from you is to get your butt back home so we can all just be together again!"

Marcy was startled by Sasha. Of course it wasn't the first time she's been yelled at by her, but this time, she knew it wasn't in a negetive way. "Sasha.." she whispers. She felt really weak and could hardly even control her movement. "I don't know if I can do this.."

     Sasha looks Marcy in the eyes, gripping her hand tightly. "Marcy, I know you can."

     Marcy shut her eyes tightly. She felt exhausted, as if she had just run a marathon. She felt power rush through her body, but it was disappearing quickly too, as if it was a light flickering on and off. "Come on.." she whispers to herself as Sasha's grip tightened.

     She slowly felt a little stronger, as if she did have close to complete control. Marcy looked at Olivia, Yunnan, and Sasha.

     Tears welled up in their eyes as they all pulled her in tightly for a hug. Marcy giggled a little, the first time she felt happy in a really long time. "Marcy!" Sasha cries. "You're really back?"

     "No," Marcy admits. "I still feel it in me.. but my calamity powers are really helping. I'm not sure how long it can last though.."

     They looked at each other. "Let's go to the palace library," Olivia says. "We must find something in there to help you, Marcy."

     Marcy nodded, smiling slightly as Sasha and Yunnan helped Marcy walk to the library, Olivia leading the way. Marcy had so much she wanted to say, but for now, all she could do was pray she'd make it out alive this time.

     A/N/ Dude I just realized how badly I miss Amphibia... when's season 3 part b coming 😭

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