Chapter 11- Sasha

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     Sasha froze as she saw the figure standing by the house. Short and slim with a pale-ish tone skin. Wearing some strange armor with a axolotl shaped helmet. The last sign was the black hair sticking out from under the helmet.

     "No..." Sasha whispers. "It can't be..." her voice was shivering as she slowly backed away.

     "Strength? Oh at last I've found you."

     She heard Marcy's voice. She immediately ran over to her. "Marcy!" She yelled.

     Suddenly, she felt a sharp slash across her chest as she tumbled backwards. It stung deeply as she struggled to get up. "Marcy..?"

     Marcy walked over to Sasha, raising the sword to deliver another blow. Sasha immediately reached over and pulled out her own sword, clashing into Marcy's. "Marcy, what are you doing?!" Sasha screams, getting up, though injured.

     Marcy smiled, raising the sword again and charging towards Sasha. Sasha ducked and tried to swipe under her feet but she jumped up, stomping onto Sasha's foot, creating a devastatingly loud crack noise. It hurt horribly, as she felt pain trying to stand up again.

Note to self: definitely not Marcy. Marcy is nowhere near this good at fighting, Sasha thinks. She gets up again and starts trying to run away, but "Not Marcy" ended up tackling her from behind, causing the two of them to be on the floor, Sasha's back to the ground while Not Marcy held the sword to her throat.

     "Wow. That was fairly easy," Not Marcy says, smiling evily before charging the sword into her throat. Sasha blocked it with her hand, but the blade dug into it, causing Sasha to scream. She kicked Not Marcy off of her as she scrambled to get away.

     "Who are you?" Sasha yells, getting onto her feet, though her foot throbbed every step.

     "I'm The Core," Not Marcy says. "Master of Andrias. And you, Sasha Waybright, are the strength, I presume?"

     "Strength..? The temple?" Sasha gasped. She had been the one to complete the temple after all. Before "The Core" could attack again, Sasha jumped onto it, grabbing its hands and pushing it down to the ground, refusing to let go though the struggle it gave her. "Marcy? It's me Sasha!" She says. It was the only thing she could think of. She definitely didn't want to hurt her friend. Though, she used to be angry at Marcy, it couldn't last long.

Suddenly, Sasha came flying off of her and onto the ground, landing with a THUD! Seriously? It can levitate things?! Sasha complains in her head.

She got up once again and charged to it. Instead of hurting it, she jumped over its head, landing behind it and wrapping her arms around it tightly, so tight Sasha thought it might pop.

"Marcy! Hey, just calm down. I don't want to hurt you-" it elbowed Sasha in the guts, kicking her to the ground.

     "This is getting real pointless," it says. "You aren't going to be able to stop the invasion. Not with the state you're in now, powerless. Such a shame. I wanted to see how powerful you'd be, Sasha Waybright."

     Sasha felt tears burn her eyes. It hurt more than all the blood seeping through her clothes, all the wounds she had. Just seeing Marcy like that hurt her. "Let her go!" She yells, picking up her sword again. "Let my Marcy go!"

     She charged once again, attacking right at the chest of the core, knocking it backwards. Sasha raised the sword, throwing it towards the chest but froze. Do it! One side of her yelled. But what about Marcy? The other said. Sasha froze as the core smiled.

     "Worried about your dear Mar-Mar, hm?"

     "You're not Marcy!" Sasha screams.

     "True, I'm not. But this body is. And well.. Marcy is the one that feels the pain in the end."

     Sasha gasped. "What..?"

     The core smiled evily. "So yes, do your worst, Sasha."

     Sasha couldn't move. She was frozen, shaking with fear. What to do next, what to do next?! She suddenly got slashed directly on the eye, and thrown across to the statue of Mayor Toadstool, landing with a loud THUD! The pain from her eye was horrible, not like any other. It stung terribly as that eye went completely blind. There was blood leaking from the eye as Sasha clutched onto it. She felt like passing out but couldn't. She had to buy the frogs time, as well as save her friend.

Sasha tried to get up but fell immediately. She felt so weak as her whole body burned with pain, especially her eye.

Suddenly, it raised its sword to Sasha. "Marcy.. no.." she managed to mumble before collapsing completely, still conscious.

Suddenly, it froze mid air, slowly lowering the sword.

     "Marcy..?" Sasha managed to get out.

     "Sasha... run..." she heard. It was truly Marcy's voice. It wasn't the strange and deep voice she heard before.

     Sasha covered her mouth with her hands as tears pricked from her eyes. "Marcy! I'm not leaving without you! We were separated for long enough, I-"

     "You have to get out of here!" Marcy screams once again, collapsing onto her knees and digging her fingers into her head, as if fighting with her mind. But to be fair, she was. "I can't control it for much longer... go!"

     Sasha didn't want to leave her friend. It was the last thing she wanted. But it was the right choice. Sasha slowly got up and backed away, before running as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast, crying softly as she slowly looks back to see Marcy struggling. It felt so wrong. But right now, she couldn't decide on heart, but on brain. That's what Marcy would've done.

     A/N/ I suck at writing battle scenes lmao anyways enjoy

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