Chapter 8- Sasha

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A/N/ Hehe I have something cool up my sleeve but for now, take this chapter.

     Sasha breathed a sigh of relief as she flopped onto Anne's bed. Thank god they agreed, she thinks.

     Sasha sat up as she heard a loud creak coming from the door. She saw Grime walking down.

"Grime-sy!" Sasha says, smiling and jumping to her feet.

     "Lieutenant," he says, serious as usual. "While a break would be nice, we must get prepared for this rebellion. The toads working with us will be beneficial for all."

     Sasha nods, feeling a little guilty that she even thought of having a break A/N/ don't feel guilty, Sasha. The first half of season three is Anne taking a break 🤣

     "Let's go. This basement stinks anyways," she says, as the two of them walk up the stairs and out to the town.

Sasha personally was from a fairly well-off family. They lived in a huge house (with 10 bedrooms) and a giant pool (where the girls used to swim together), and even a little tree house that Sasha's father built for her when she was younger. Though she was used to such luxurious conditions, WartWood felt super comforting.

Sasha walked through the little humble town. It was so peaceful when there weren't killer bots coming to attack. Though a lot of guilt weighed down on Sasha, she still knew she had to fight until she could reunite with the girls. She felt happy at the thought of it.

What am I thinking? Sasha thought, slapping her hand to her forehead. I'll never reunite with the girls... Sasha sighed. Her heart still ached at the thought of Marcy. She had conflicted feelings about her. It was like she missed her beloved friend but still felt a little betrayed. But to be fair, it wasn't as bad as everything Sasha did.

Guilt basically ate up Sasha every day. She figured the only thing that could make her guilt disappear is righting her wrongs. Starting with protecting the frogs, and then saving her friends. She just had no idea what to do.

"I sense something," Grime whispers, holding out his hand to stop Sasha from walking any further.

Sasha's heart raced with fear. What now?

Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise, one that deafened her ears. Sasha turned around to see tons of smoke coming from the village, one from dust from all the buildings collapsing.

"Grime! Get the frogs to safety!" Sasha orders, drawing her swords.

"On it!" He said, running into the village homes. This left Sasha on her own. She slowly crept towards there dusty smoke as it slowly cleared up.

"Strength," she heard, in an oddly familiar voice. Sasha's heart could've pounded out of her chest.

"Marcy?" She yells, tears welling up in her eyes. As the smoke slowly cleared up, she saw a figure. But it definitely wasn't her friend.

"Hello there."

A/N/ hey y'all! Thanks for all the reads on my fanfiction! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far <3 I kinda forgot I was doing this lmao I've been in school as of now and it slipped my mind but here's a good angst chapter with a good cliff hanger >: ) I just want Sasha to see Darcy first lol. Or Anne and Sasha at the same time. Who do you think will see Darcy first?

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