Chapter 46- Anne~ Finale part 1

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A/N/ Okay guys! There will be two chapters after this one and this story shall come to an end 💔 but naturally I can't end the story without squeezing in a little more suffering for our favorite calamity trio, so let's hop into this!

     It has been 5 months since that event. The palace was almost completely rebuilt after the Newtopians came back. Olivia got elected as the next queen of Newtopia, much to Anne's delight. Everything was finally running smoothly. Except one thing.

Going home.

They did manage to find the calamity box under all the ruins but they figured out there would only be one transport left after Olivia sent all the creatures in Andrias's basement home.

     Anne tried to play off like she was fine, but she really wasn't. She wanted to stay with The Planters, but she had a life back home, not to mention she was worried for her family as many bots had attacked their home. It had been two weeks since the girls found this out. All of them have been avoiding it.

Anne, Sasha, and Marcy have been living in Newtopia, repairing it. Newtopia truly looked amazing. The wall was up again, stronger than ever, and all the homes were rebuilt. Marcy insisted to tear down her statue as she didn't want a reminder of.. him.. but instead, Olivia recreated it, something more fitting. A golden statue of Marcy stood tall, holding her calamity gem. And best of all, her amazing girlfriends Sasha and Anne stood by her side. The heroes of Amphibia. Anne could get used to that.

Not only did Newtopia look better but so did the three girls. Sasha kept her beautiful blond hair short. At first she felt a little self conscious about her blue pupil, but Anne assured her she looked so cool with two different eye colors. As for Marcy, her hair grew fairly long as it went past her shoulders, but she would always just tie it up messily anyways as she said she missed her short hair but didn't trust anyone to cut it. Lastly Anne. She didn't necessarily change much beside the fact she wore two shoes now (FINALLY)! Her hair was always getting messy and tangly so she would just tie it into a ponytail every chance she could, but leaves would somehow find their way into her hair anyways.

     Anne stood on the balcony of Marcy's bedroom, gazing upon the kingdom that was slowly looking better every day. The girls haven't even mentioned going home yet. None of them could bring themselves to. So Anne decided to do it. She turned back to her friends, Marcy sitting on her bed and Sasha at her desk. Marcy was just reading one of the books that Olivia had given her, wearing a bright green sweater and white skirt, while Sasha was just drinking some water while writing something down, wearing a pink-ish-red tang top with black shorts. Anne herself wore an off-the-shoulder blue sweater with a white skirt. Anne stepped into the room. "Hey guys..?" She slowly says.

     Sasha and Marcy looked up at her. "Mhm?" Marcy mumbles, her eyes slowly going back to the book.

     "I was thinking.. when do you think we're going home?" Anne asks. "I-I know we all agreed to stay and help with repairs for Newtopia but it's getting a lot better now.."

     Marcy shrugs. "I don't know.. if I'm being honest, I've been putting off the whole going home thing for a while, but I guess it would be nice to see my parents again."

     Sasha chocked on her drink. "I- uh- yeah!"

     Anne looked away nervously. She had also been putting off telling Marcy about that little detail. The girls were finally happy for the first time in a long time. Wasn't that enough..? Well she knew it was wrong to keep it from her, but it was hard to break the truth to her girlfriend that her parents kind of abandoned her and moved out of the state. It was possible they could find them again but at the end of the day, the girls would just be separated again, which was what Anne didn't want the most.

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