Chapter 26- Anne

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Anne was definitely feeling conflicted.

Anne, Sasha is literally right next to you. You have to talk to her! Anne thinks to herself. She took over a kingdom, she reminded herself. How are you guys supposed to work together if you're going to be so cold to her??

Anne sighs. "Sasha, we have to talk about the plan."

Sasha perked up. "Oh right!" She says, turning to Anne as the two girls soared through the sky on Joe. "What happened when you... um.." Sasha's face turned pink. "When you fought her..?"

"Well.." Anne says gulping. She didn't want to recall it. "I didn't fight her, I fought The Core. They threw me off the balcony." Anne looked into Sasha's eye. "What happened with you..?"

"Oh.. well.. I was in WartWood when it happened.. Grime managed to get everyone to safety while I held them back but I did... get a little injured." Sasha took her hand to her eye. "I'll be okay, don't worry."

Anne had a feeling it was Marcy, but she didn't want to believe it. She would've done anything to convince herself otherwise. "Sasha.. I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Sasha looks at Anne. "You're sorry? You literally did nothing wrong. You're so awesome.. I did everything wrong. I just.. I can't explain it, I just always feel like I need to.." Sasha chocked. The truth was, ever since her parents split up, Sasha changed. She felt like she didn't have control over her parents so everyone split up. She just wanted to stay with Anne and Marcy forever. They were her new family.

"Sasha," Anne says. "Listen.. I don't quite forgive you yet... but I can tell something in you changed. You risked your own life to save all the frogs... I'm so thankful for that. We just have to work together, okay? I'm sorry about being so harsh to you..."

     "No.. don't feel sorry.." Sasha whispers. "I'm okay. But right now.. you're right.. we have to focus on the main goal."

     "Saving Marcy," they both say, looking into each other's eyes, or rather Sasha's one eye.

Anne quickly looked away from Sasha before her face turned any redder. "We're almost here," Anne says, as she saw Newtopia in the distance. "What should we do once we see her.."

"I haven't got much practice with my calamity powers yet.. but all we really need to do is get that helmet off of her."

"I'm sure we can do it, I destroyed the core's power source. I'm not sure if they have anything else up their sleeves but I'm sure we can take them. Next will be to find The Planters of course.."

"Defeat Andrias," Sasha adds. "Recharge the box."

"Go home.." Anne says.

Sasha froze. Anne looked at her skeptically. "Of course," Sasha says, before turning to the front. "We're here," Sasha whispers.

Anne just let it slide. "Okay, Joe. Drop us at the balcony then wait for my signal," Anne orders as Joe Sparrow descended down to the balcony of the palace. Anne and Sasha hopped off as Joe flew off.

"Whoa.." Sasha whispers, looking around. "It's so... broken." And she wasn't wrong. The whole palace was crumbling.

"I know.." Anne whispers back. "Careful, Sash." Every step Anne took killed her. Her body was numb with pain. She couldn't ask Sasha to help her though, it would only make her worry.

"Where could she be?" Sasha asks quietly

     As the two girls roamed the palace in silence, Anne heard a quiet crumbling-like noise. She looks up at the ceiling in horror as a huge chunk of it started coming straight down at them.

     "Sasha!" Anne screams as she shoves her roughly out of the way. Anne scrambled to get out of the way but unfortunately didn't in time.

     The ceiling piece crashed down as Anne shut her eyes in fear. One... two... three seconds went by. Nothing. Anne was still alive and breathing. She opens her eyes to see the piece completely broken around her. She felt her power surge through her before quickly getting drained.

     Anne turns around to Sasha, who just got up again. Suddenly, she heard laughter. Evil laughter.

     "We didn't kill you the first time?" The voice says. "Maybe you're tougher than we thought.. no matter. We'll do it this time."

     Anne looks up in horror at her friend standing before them with a new orange glowing eye on her armor once again restored with power.

     They slowly reached down and grabbed a handle. They clicked a button that suddenly made a large glowing laser sword zoom out. Almost the same Andrias had before, just much much smaller. "I kind of grown fond of you two, so I'll make it quick. According to Marcy's memories, you two seemed to be rather heroic.."

     Anne was frozen with shock. Her body trembled as she saw the sword again. Move you idiot! She thinks, but she just couldn't stop replaying the imagine of her friend dying.

     The core raised their sword before swinging it down towards Anne.

     "Anne, move!" Sasha screams, shoving Anne roughly out of the way before taking one of her swords out and pressing it between the laser sword. Sadly, her sword snapped in half quickly.

     Sasha was luckily a quick thinker so she threw the sword to the side and jumped up, grabbing the arm of The Core before pulling it back. The Core just raised one hand which left Sasha paralyzed, just like it had with Anne.

     They walked in front of Sasha, smiling. "Strength hm?" They observe, before kneeing Sasha right in the gut, causing her to scream in pain while falling backwards.

     "Sasha!" Anne screams, getting up which proved to be quite difficult considering her state. Anne ran to them but was quickly stopped by the same power by The Core, paralyzing her, making her fall to her knees.

     "Now, Heart," They say, smiling evilly. "You're going to watch as I kill your friend here.. then you will be next." The Core bent down, grabbing Sasha by the hair, pulling her up.

      "Ahh..!" Sasha winced in pain.

     "SASHA!" Anne screamed, trying her best to break out of the paralyzation but it was useless. She couldn't do anything.

     As The Core raised their sword to Sasha, she did the unthinkable. Sasha quickly grabbed the blade part of her sword that snapped in half, slicing through her hair before falling down but scrambling to her feet, jumping up at The Core, pulling at the helmet that just seemed to not budge. This distracted The Core, which broke Anne out of the paralyzation. Immediately, Anne ran over to help Sasha, securing The Core tightly with her arms.

     Sasha suddenly stumbled backwards. Anne turns to her to see she had the helmet wrapped around her arms, panting heavily. Anne immediately turns back to Marcy, hoping to see her friend.

     There stood her, with the messy black hair, eyes shut tightly. "Marcy! I'm so glad you're back, I-"

     Anne suddenly got cut off with laughter. Sasha quietly stood up by Anne as they slowly backed away. That was not Marcy's laugh.

     "That was impressive, we have to say.. but alas.. We told you there was no getting her back." They slowly opened their eyes to reveal bright orange eyes instead of Marcy's beautiful brown eyes. "She's apart of us now. And there's nothing you can do about it."

     Anne's eyes widened as her legs trembled, causing her to fall to her knees, her breath heavy. "What are you saying..?"

     The Core smiled.

     "We're saying your friend is gone, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to bring her back."


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