Chapter 47- Sasha~ Finale Part 2

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     Sasha pushed open the library doors with a loud creak. She, of course, found Marcy sitting in one of the chairs, sulking. "I thought I'd find you here," Sasha says, closing the door behind you.

     "Go away, Sasha," Marcy muffles, as her head was buried into her knees.

     Sasha did not go away. In fact, she just sat next to Marcy. "How are you feeling?" She asks gently, putting her hand on Marcy's shoulder.

     Marcy slowly peered up. "Not good. I mean, my parents literally abandoned me."

     Yeah, that was beyond cruel on their part. Sasha didn't know how to comfort her girlfriend. To be fair, Sasha didn't have the greatest parents ever. "Yeah.. I know how rough that must be. I'm really sorry.. and I'm sorry we hid it from you."

     Marcy wiped her tears onto her sweater sleeve. "Well.. I get why you did.. but I don't think it was right still.. I've been worried about my parents, and this whole time they were in another state!"

     "I know! It was so dumb. Just don't blame Anne. She was trying to tell you, I stopped her. Things were difficult back then, I just didn't know how well you'd handle it."

     Sasha tried not to cry but she couldn't help it. She let her guard down around Marcy and Anne. Marcy reached over, touching her hand. "Don't cry, Sash.."

     Sasha touched her hand too, rubbing her thumb on it. "Oh frog. You're such a good person, Marcy. Don't worry, we'll find your parents and get you back to them."

     "You don't get it!" Marcy yells. "It's not that I can just come back to them.. they chose to leave me behind.. Why would I go back to them?" Marcy paused before taking a deep breath. "So I'm not going to."

Sasha's heart dropped. "W-What?" She stutters. If Sasha was being honest, the thought of staying in Amphibia forever struck her many times, but she thought she was the only one. And she never thought she'd actually do it. Because no matter what, she just wanted to stay with her girlfriends.

"I mean, Sash, I have a family here," Marcy says, standing up and clutching her heart in a dramatic way. "Olivia and Yunnan, they literally adopted me. And my real parents? They probably forgot I exist. Why should I go home?"

"M-Marcy, you don't mean that-"

"Yes I do!" Marcy shouts, banging her fist on the arm of the chair. "Amphibia is my home, Sasha! My family is here! I finally feel like I fit in somewhere. At home, I was just Marcy the Nerd! Or Marcy the Weirdo! But here..? I'm Marcy the Protecter of Newtopia. I'm finally something.. and that's all I've wanted."

"But what about me? What about Anne?" Sasha cries, taking Marcy's hand. "What about us..?"

"I know," Marcy whispers. "I love you both so much.. but I can't do this. I can't live in Earth. I would just be like hundreds of miles from you two.." Marcy turned away from Sasha. "You wouldn't get it."

     Sasha took Marcy's hand, using her other hand to shift her head back so their eyes met. "Marcy, I completely understand where you're coming from."

     Marcy's eyes widened. "Really..?"

     "I've thought of it numerous times.. you know I wasn't super close with my family either.. my dad left me, and my mom? I doubt she even realized I'm gone."

     Marcy smiled a little, sympathetically. "Wow.. I didn't know you felt that way, Sash.." Marcy took a deep breath. "But what about Anne..?"

     "I know it will be hard for her.. it will be hard for all of us. But I think in the end, this will be the best thing for me. For us."

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