Chapter 24- Anne

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     A/N/ HELLO EVERYONE! Before we start please keep in mind this chapter will have some minor mentions of Marcanne! I understand not all of us will ship it but I personally think they will be canon and it's okay if you don't agree with me, but I will be adding it anyways. I hope no one is upset by this! Thank you so much!

     Don't worry! Nothing dirty!! Because they're freaking 13-

     Anne and Joe Sparrow managed to take refuge in a small forest about 3 miles from Newtopia. A full hour since the fight.

     Anne sat under the tree for a while now, just resting. She was honestly in no condition to even move. Anne sat there, small tear drops dripping down her face. She was still trying to process everything. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo. It was a photo of Anne, Marcy, and Sasha. The three of them were just goofing off and having a great time. "Oh Marcy.." Anne whispered. "How can I help you??" She touched Marcy's face in the photo with her finger. If she was being completely honest, she had some small feelings for Marcy. Back at earth, she liked Marcy just a little bit, but starting in Amphibia it really hit her. Especially now it hurt more than anything. Marcy was just so smart and modest and honestly adorable. Anne turned red like every time she thought about her.

     Anne looked up at the bird. "Alright.. what should I do, Joe..?" Anne whispered. "I'm going to save her.. don't you worry. And then... I'll find Sasha and the Planters. And we're going to go home."


     Anne sighed. "I can't even understand you.."

The girl wobbled as she slowly managed to stand up. She was a mess. Her clothes were tattered up, her whole body was in heavy pain, and of course she was just a sobbing mess. "I don't know what to do, Joe," Anne says, patting his head. "I don't have anyone but you.."

Joe gave Anne a look, like hey dude, I'm hungry. Anne just knew he was hungry. "Oh alright, I'll find you some mushrooms or something," Anne says as she walks off into the forest. Anne did wander around for quite some time. There were a surprising amount of mushroom shortage.. mostly because most the forest was completely destroyed thanks to Andrias.

Oh Andrias, Anne thinks. When I get my hands on him I'm going to make sure he's gonna regret ever being born..

Anne finally managed to find some mushrooms luckily, but not without getting lost like the idiot she was. Anne gathered around 7 mushrooms before climbing a tree in an attempt to find her way out of the forest. She hasn't made it far before she heard a loud roar that startled her, almost causing her to fall off the branch but luckily she caught herself.

The roar was followed by a scream. Someone needs help! Anne thought as she quickly made her way down the tree and ran in the direction of the noises. There was loud crashing noises that gave Anne a strong hint on where they were, just about outside the forest.

Anne saw a large bird-like creature that was attempting to eat something. "Hang on!" Anne yells, running towards them even though she was in a lot of pain. She jumped onto the bird, using her arm to choke the neck of the bird before looking down. The creature that need help was tall with blond hair in a low ponytail with rusted armor and a small hood cape. At first, the patched eye made it hard for Anne to tell who it was, but she eventually figured out who it was. "Sasha?!" Anne screamed.

"Anne?!" Sasha yelled, looking up at her. With Anne being distracted, the bird threw Anne off of it, causing her to crash into a tree. That completely took Anne out, causing her to collapse onto the floor, not being able to move. Still conscious, she managed to watch Sasha fight the bird thing.

     "Anne get out of here!" Sasha shouted before getting attacked by the bird once again.

     "Sasha!" Anne shouted, trying to get up and help but she couldn't move at all. Her whole body hurt so badly, especially her rib cage.

     Sasha's eyes suddenly shined pink. She punched the bird roughly, causing the bird to bounce backwards for at least a mile. Anne saw a huge crash in the distance. "What?!" Anne screamed.

     Sasha ran over to Anne, helping her up, taking one of her arms and wrapped it around her neck. "Here.. let me help you."

     Anne didn't say anything as the two girls walked back into the forest. Anne was kind of overcome with emotions at the moment. She didn't know what to do or say to Sasha. Obviously she wouldn't hurt her, but she wasn't sure if she could trust her just yet.

     Sasha rested Anne down onto a fallen tree trunk, then sat beside her. They both sat there in complete silence. What could they do?


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