Chapter 30- Anne

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   A/N/ HI! Sorry about all the tears and sad stuff but we aren't done yet <3 anyways thank you SO much for 2k reads im so excited how popular this fanfiction is getting! It wasn't easy putting my writing out and I'm so grateful for all the support. It really makes me want to do this forever :D

Wait I just realized how long this fanfiction is getting... AHHHHHH I HAVE TO END IT SOON 😭

Anyways enough ranting here's your daily fanfiction chapter:

"HopPop..? Sprig..? Polly?" Anne calls out, not being too loud in fear of Andrias finding them.

     Anne slowly peered around different rooms in the palace. She didn't remember anything from her time at the palace, as it was so huge. Anne peeked out the window. She saw the kingdom in ruins. At least the palace was on the floor again since the calamity box had to be recharged.

Anne sighed as she continued walking around the palace. Anne was conflicted. She knew she saved Marcy by... ending her... but she couldn't help but feel guilty for it. The imagine spiraled through her head. Her stabbing her own best friend through the chest. And the fact Marcy is probably alive still, but she can't do anything to help her in fear of The Core coming back.

     Anne saw door in the hallway. As usual, she slowly pushed the door open, peeking inside. It seemed to be pitch black. "Hello..?" Anne calls. There was a quiet movement from the room. Suddenly, something shot out form the room. Anne ducked immediately, activating her calamity powers. The shine from her hair revealed a bot guarding the room. "That was rude," she says, flying straight towards it and punching it in the face, causing it to just explode into prices. She slowly deactivated her power and creeped inside the room. It seemed to be a dungeon of some sort.

     "Sprig..?" She whispers. "Polly? HopPop?"

Anne took a torch from one of the holders and ventured down the dark hallway before hearing a scream. This obviously startled Anne, so much she almost dropped her torch.

"LET US OUT OF HERE!" The voice yelled. Anne slowly crept towards the voice, lifting her arm so the light would shine. There was a few newts in the cell.

"Whoa.. who are you?"

"Just another newt that got thrown in here by King Andrias," they explained. Anne nodded quickly before activating her powers then tearing the bar off of the cell.

"Hurry.. get out!" Anne turned around to see many newts locked inside cells, all with a worried expression. "Oh lord." So Anne pulled a Marcy and speedran through it, tearing off the metal bars encasing the prisoners and telling them to get the heck out of there.

Suddenly, she heard a shout. "Anne?!" She heard, which made her immediately run over to the last cell.

"SPRIG?!" She yells back, seeing the Planters in a cell. "Oh my frog, thank goodness you're alive!!" She grabbed the cell bars and tore it off before getting tackled with a hug from The Planters.

"ANNE!" They all cried, hugging her.

"Guys, I was so worried!" Anne says, hugging them back. "I really thought you guys were being tortured or something!"

"No, we're fine!" Sprig insists. "Did you find Sasha and Marcy?"

Anne paused. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..! She looks away from them. "I..."

The Planters look at each other. "Anne.." HopPop says gently, reaching out a hand. "Are you alright?"

"No.." Anne admits. "I'm not..."

They all came in and pulled her into a hug, patting her on the back gently. Anne just cried into her knees. She couldn't even talk about it. But she had to. "Marcy... she.. she got possessed by The Core... she... she begged me to kill her.. I didn't have a choice, I..." Anne couldn't even finish it. The Planters looked heartbroken but just continues to hug her.

"So she's... dead?" Sprig asks.

"Yes.." Anne whispers. "And I did it..."

"Hey... it'll be okay," HopPop says, patting her on the back.

"NO!" Anne screams. "I'm so sick of people saying that! Marcy.. my best friend.. she's dead! And I killed her! How could anything ever be okay?!" Anne stood up, taking a deep breath. "Let's just.. go."

So they walked in silence out of the dungeon. Anne had no idea how to express herself at the moment. She wanted to get the planters to safety. She wanted to cry. She most of all wanted to go home and hug her parents, have everything go back to normal. But they're one thing that'll never go back to normal... Anne knew..

"Where's Sasha?" Polly finally piped after a awkward 5 minutes of silent walking. The palace was huge.

"She's going to try to find survivors around Newtopia and get them to safety," Anne says. "She's also.. with Marcy."

Anne looked back at them. They all seemed pretty traumatized, even crying a little. Anne never thought they had an attachment to Marcy. She suddenly felt guilty for yelling at them. "Guys.." Anne whispers. "I'm sorry.. I'm under a lot of pressure right now.. I didn't mean to take it out on you.."

"It's okay, Anne.. we know how hard this must be for you," Sprig says, patting her on the back.

"We're here for you," Polly says.

"You don't have to pretend to be okay.. it's okay to not be okay sometimes, Anne. We know how close you guys were..."

Anne collapsed onto the floor, tears running down all over her face. "Oh you guys..." she cried, as they ran over and hugged her, as she hugged back. "I still can't believe it... I... I saw her.. I had to fight her... but I couldn't! Sasha and I.. we just couldn't! We tried.. we tried so hard.. we begged her to stop! And she managed to resist for long enough to tell us that the only way to get her to stop was to kill her.." They looked shocked. Anne didn't stop there. "I didn't want to! I.. but Sasha, poor Sasha, she was just frozen with fear.. I had to do it!" Anne hurried her head into her hands. "But I don't know if I regret it..."

"Anne.." HopPop says, "What you did was not easy.. I know how bad you must be suffering right now.. I'm so sorry.. but we will be here for you all the way."

Anne looks up at them. They were being so strong. "Thank you.." she sniffles. "Let's find Sasha..."

So Anne got up once again, walking into the unknown.

What would come of Anne? Would her fate be like Marcy's? Would she lose her calamity powers? Will she ever find her way out of the gigantic castle? Find out next time on The Host!

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