Chapter 42- Marcy

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     Marcy hugged her friends tightly. She felt dizzy and sick, but that's kinda what happens when a train of memory hits you in the guts, which is also happen to where she got stabbed like a month ago. She tried not to cry into Anne's oh so fluffy hair but it was hard.

     As she continued hugging her friends, the scenery slowly vanished, bringing them back to the house's living room. "Oh you guys.." Marcy whispers, slowly breaking apart from them. "I'm.. so sorry.."

     "Hey, don't say that," Anne says, cupping Marcy's face with her hands. "Yeah.. maybe what you did wasn't right.. but this? None of this was ever your fault, Marcy.."

     "Anne's right," Sasha says, taking one of Marcy's hands and squeezing it tightly. "Marcy, you didn't mean for any of this.."

     "I brought the box to Andrias," Marcy cries. "I did it all.. and now look at everyone... they're in danger. And Sasha.. your eye.."

     Sasha flinched. "Hey, don't you dare blame yourself for what happened to my eye. That wasn't you. And I'm just so glad you're here now.."

     Marcy shook her head. "I could have-"

     "Stop it!" Anne snaps. Marcy flinched, looking at Anne. She was scared for a second. It reminded her of her parents in a way. But Anne wasn't mad.. she had tears welling up in her eyes. "Marcy, I was so scared.. I watched him stab you. I watched you die right before my eyes!" She took Marcy's other hand that was not occupied by Sasha. "I had to fight you! And I can promise you, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Because I couldn't do it." Anne looked into Marcy's eyes as they met. Marcy saw the pain in her eyes. It didn't make her feel much better. "And I'm not saying you didn't do anything wrong, Marcy..  but I know that we can fix things.. that's the best thing we can do from here."

     Marcy held the two girls hands tightly. "I... I didn't know if you'd come back for me," Marcy admits, voice shaking. "I thought I'd die there.. I thought I'd never get to tell you two that..." she paused. "That.. I mean.." she sighs. 

     Sasha and Anne looked at each other, hugging Marcy once again. "I will admit," Anne says, resting her head on Marcy's shoulder. "I was mad... at both of you.. but this.." Anne smiled at the two of them. "This.. I want to give another try. I knew we would work things out. Maybe they didn't go as smoothly as I'd like.. but I'm just so happy you're here." Anne looked Sasha in the eye, shifting over to Marcy's eyes next. "I can tell you two have changed.. and I know things won't be the same.. but they'll be better.."

     Marcy nodded, smiling for the first time in a long time. "I... love you guys."

     "I love you too, you big nerd," Sasha says, ruffling her hair, causing Marcy to laugh. She met eyes with Anne, who smiled at her. She reached out her hand, holding Anne's. This is exactly where she was meant to be.

     A/N/ this chapter was short but hey Sashannarcy is official now ☺️💚💙💖


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