Chapter 43- Anne~ Finale Battle Part 1

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A/N/ Hey guys! Here's the plan, there will be three chapters on the final battle and then there will be one to three about the girls going home and stuff like that <3 maybe a little time skip? Who knows! I still can't believe it's all almost over 😭💓

Anne stood up, still holding hands with Sasha and Marcy. "We have to go," Anne says, looking out into the distance. "We need to find Andrias before he causes any more harm."

"I need to find Grime," Sasha pipes. Anne almost forgot about him. Whoops.

"He's in Newtopia, right?" Anne asks.

Suddenly, footsteps came as Anne panicked for some reason. Olivia and Yunnan walked into the living room. "Hey Anne, I-"

The two gasped as Marcy gave them a slight wave. "Hey guys-" They ran over to Marcy, hugging her tightly, cutting her off. Marcy hugged them back. Anne smiled. She was happy Marcy could have a family of her own for now. She was too scared to break the news to Marcy right now.. that'll have to wait.

"Marcy, I'm so glad you're back!" Olivia says, before Yunnan started pulling her by the ear lightly.

"Don't you dare go off dying, getting possessed, and or losing your memories again, am I understood?" Yunnan says, angrily.

"Ow- yeah you're understood!" Marcy says. "I'm sorry about worrying you, Mo- er- Yunnan!" Marcy stutters.

"Yunnan, gentle," Olivia scolds, before reaching up all the way, putting on hand on Marcy's cheek. "We missed you very much, Marcy."

Marcy kneeled down, hugging Olivia. "I missed you guys too.. my newt moms."

Anne smiled warmly. This was too wholesome to break apart. But Sasha sucks, so she decided to do it. "Alright, I know this is sweet and all, but Grime is still out there," Sasha says. "Olivia, Yunnan, when did you guys split up?"

"Just near the gates of Newtopia. I'm certain he's here," Olivia says.

     "We have to find him," Sasha insists. "Please!"

     "Very well.." Olivia says. "But once we do, we must get on task."

     "Which includes finding Andrias," Anne says. She pulled Sasha up. "Let's go."

     "Thank you," Sasha says, smiling.

     Anne turned around as she suddenly felt something fall onto her head. She looked up. "Sprig?" She says, as she saw her slimy friend on her head.

     "Hi Anne!" Sprig exclaims, as HopPop and Polly went down the stairs. "Did we miss anything?"

"Sprig!" Anne says, pulling him off but instead hugging her brother. "A lot actually! Marcy's back!"

"Oh? Well that's good!" Sprig says, hopping onto Marcy. Marcy caught him, smiling.

"Hi Sprig!" She says, putting him down. "Is everyone ready to go?"

"Yep!" Anne says.

     Sasha helped Marcy as she put one arm around her shoulder as the group set off. They just walked around the skirts of Amphibia, or at least what was left of it. Outside the gates was still a wreck of pipes and smoke.

     "Whoa," Marcy whispers, looking around Newtopia. "What happened..?"

     "Andrias happened," Yunnan says. "He wrecked Newtopia to create more bots."

     "And where are those bots?" Marcy asks.

     Anne didn't really want to say it, but she figured Marcy had to know. "They are attacking Earth as of now," Anne says, grimacing. "B-But I'm sure they'll be fine! I saw it myself, the police officers were handling them well."

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