Chapter 3- Marcy

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Marcy struggled to get out of the chair, as her wrists were locked shut onto the arm chairs. Her heart pounded fast. Is this really it?

"Let me too!" She cried.

King Andrias gave her a fake smile. "I wish I could, but my lord craves a host. And it wanted the best. The smartest. The only one who could beat me at flipwart." Marcy gasped, her eyes widening. No... that game... was it really a test? How could she be such a fool! "Honestly, Marcy," King Andrias continues, "I like you. Always have." Lies, Marcy immediately thought. "I begged the core to consider an alternative host.. but alas."

Suddenly, strange tubes came from the floor, plugging into Marcy's wrists and ankle bands. "What? What is this?" Marcy whimpered. She looked up as she heard a loud noise. A strange helmet started coming down towards her. She was the host.

Marcy started screaming, thrashing about trying to get out of the chair. She gave a look at her only friends left, a pleading one that said please help me, but it was too late. The helmet placed onto her, as she let out a shrill scream, one that echoed through the room.

And that was that. She saw herself in a black abyss, floating. There was a strange screen, which showed where she just was, as if she had never left. But she suddenly heard her own voice, along with another. "Why hello there." Marcy ran over immediately towards the screen, banging her hands against it.

"Hey! Let me out! Who are you?!" She screams.
She feels a bright orange light come from behind her as she turns back. It was the creature she saw, 9 orange eyes.

"Hello, Mind," the voice says.

Marcy's eyes widened. "Mind?"

"For the wisest of the bunch, you were fairly easy to manipulate. At least according to Andrias."

Marcy's face fell. Right. Andrias. She still somehow had a hard time remembering his betrayal. Those hours they spent playing flipwart together, or studying in the library, or even just talking at the balcony, all fake. Marcy looked the creature right in the eye. "Why me?" She whispers loud enough for the core to hear. "I'm only a kid... I don't know anything. I'm not smart, I was stupid enough to get me and my friends stuck in this world, I was stupid enough to believe Andrias, I was stupid enough to get stabbed. I'm not what you're looking for! Just let me go! Please!"

"Ah. I see. Trying to take the heat off yourself, hm MarMar?" The creature suddenly shifted into the form of Anne, but her eyes glowed orange. "You think your friends would want you back? After everything you did?"

That hit Marcy like a train. Of course not, she thinks. Anne was right. She was missing her parents, her life. Sasha too. It was just me who never wanted to go home. How could I be so foolish? She thinks. "They'll forgive me," She says, half way to tears. "I know they will." She didn't know if that was true.

Anne, or rather the core, grinned. "We'll see about that. But how about we deal with these traitors, hm?"

The core vanished suddenly. Marcy turned back to the screen, which showed Olivia and Yunnan, a look of horror plastered across their face. They hugged each other tightly. Suddenly, the body stood up and moved towards them. It takes a sword out and raises it towards them.

"Olivia! Yunnan!" Marcy cries. "No!! Please don't hurt them!!" She begs. "Please! They were only trying to save me! Please spare them!"

The core pauses. "Marcy seems to want me to spare you."

Olivia and Yunnan looked at it. "Marcy?" Olivia whispers. "You're still in there?"

"Yes! I am!" Marcy screams. But it was no use. They couldn't hear her.

"Andrias, throw them into the dungeons," The core ordered.

Andrias looked unsure but quickly nodded. "Yes, my lord." He picks them up and marches out. Marcy sighs in relief. Her friends were safe. But what about her?

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