Chapter 20- Anne

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     A/N/ Hey ya'll! Before we get into the chapter, I'm incredibly happy to announce that this story is officially first place in #amphibia!!!

     A/N/ Hey ya'll! Before we get into the chapter, I'm incredibly happy to announce that this story is officially first place in #amphibia!!!

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Thank you so much to all the readers! I'm actually really close to 1k reads too! I love you all and thanks so much!!

"Anne," Anne heard. She snapped awake.

"Huh..?" She mumbled, sleepily. She looked up. Oh. They're still flying. "How long has it been..?"

"9 hours."

"9 HOURS?!"

"Jeez, do you mind being quiet?" Polly complained, going back to sleep.

"Sorry, Polly!" Anne said, peaking forward to look at Joe Sparrow. He looked incredibly tired. "Oh boy. Let's take a quick air break. Come on Joe, you could use one. We all could."

Joe Sparrow squawked in response before diving down towards the ground. Lucky enough, they were just above a forest and lake.

As Joe landed, Anne immediately hopped off and patted his head. "Good bird. I'll get everyone some water."

"Ohh!" Sprig says, hopping off the seat. "I'll come too!"

"Okay, you two get some water but come back fast. We are only a few hours from Newtopia!" HopPop calls.

"Okay!" Anne says as Anne and Sprig ran for the river. It really wasn't too far, just about 30 meters. Anne ran through the fields of grass along side Sprig. She smiled. She almost felt like they were just having fun again, before she had found Sasha and Marcy, before all the Newtopia drama.

"There's the lake!" Sprig shouts, as they kneeled down. Anne pulled a small canteen out of her bag and took a large scoop of the lake water before closing the canteen.

"Man, my whole body hurts from that ride."

"But at least we're almost there!" Sprig says.

"Yeah..." Anne sighed. "I'm still nervous.. I wonder how badly Newtopia changed ever since we left.. and there's no saying for sure that Sasha and Marcy are there.."

"Hey, we'll figure it all out, okay?" Sprig assured her. "We don't know what'll come but no matter what, we'll stick together."

Anne nodded, sadly. "I just... ughh.. I miss my parents. But I did what I had to do.. right? They'll be okay... right?"

"Definitely," Sprig says, patting her back. "Now let's get back on the road."

Anne sniffled. "Yeah.. okay." They both stood up and walked back to their original landing spot, where HopPop and Polly patiently waited.

"Alright!" She calls. "Let's hit the road!" She gave Joe Sparrow a few seconds of drinking water before she and Sprig hopped onto his back and they took off again.

Here we go, Anne thinks, already feeling air sick.

"Okay are we there yet?!" Anne shouts. "It's been 3 hours! And yes I counted, I was that bored!"

"I'm not sure.. we should be close. We're flying over one of the mountain boarders right now..." HopPop said.

"Wait! I think I see something!" Polly shouts as the whole family looks up.

     Anne had to squint but she could see something flying in the distance. "Is that the palace?!"

     "I think so!" HopPop says. "Fly faster, Joe!"

     Joe squawked as he flew faster.

     "Oh my frog!" Anne says. "I'm not ready! I haven't figured out what to say to Sasha yet! And I don't have a plan on how to save Marcy!"

     "Well there's this thing called improv!" Sprig says. "Anyways we don't have time for this, we're literally almost here."

     Anne sighed. "You're right, dude," She says. She took a deep breath. "I'll figure things out." As they soared through the air and towards Newtopia. But what Anne saw rendered her speechless.

     The land... there were no gates. No trees. No homes. Not even a newt in sight. It looked like a dump yard with hundreds of robots walking through the land.

     "Oh my frog.." Anne whispered, covering her mouth with her hand. "What happened..?"

     "Newtopia looks worse than WartWood!" Sprig said.

     "What did King Andrias do?!"

     Anne, though still in complete denial, looked down at Joe. "Hey, land there." A small flat land that was semi near by the palace. Anne's heart raced as they finally landed.

     "Since we don't have our hoods, we best take refuge somewhere," Anne ordered. There were buildings still, but most were tattered and destroyed.

     "How about Sal's sandwich shop?" HopPop offered. "It should be just down the block."

    "Sure," She said. Anne peeked behind from the building ruin. There were a few robots, ones like Anne had saw back in Earth.

     "Okay.. go..!" She whisper shouted as everyone ran for a building. And they made it! Or she thought so.

     Ten seconds went by of silence before Anne felt a sharp tug on her shirt. She got roughly pulled out of the building by one of the bots. "AH!" She screams as it grabbed her by her hair. It felt like her scalp was burning as it pulled her closer to the robots face to scan.

     "Anne Boonchuy, heart, blue, located!" It says, beeping.

     "Eat dirt, robot!" Sprig shouts as he runs from
The hiding spot and kicked the robot in the face.

     Normally, that did the trick but instead the robot grabbed Sprig too.

     It was HopPop and Polly's turn to run out. But before they could do anything, the robot flew off, stilling gripping tightly onto Anne's hair and Sprig.

     "Anne! Sprig!" Anne heard them shout, but it was the last thing she heard before passing out from the overwhelming pain.

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