Chapter 15- Marcy

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"Come on!" Marcy screams. "Come on! You're Marcy Wu! Just focus!" And that's what she did. Focus really hard. It got her nowhere.

"Are you still trying to break free?" The eight voices ask.

Ignore them, Marcy tells herself as she keeps trying to break free. It happened once but she was completely drained. "Come on, Marcy," she encourages herself. "If you don't break free you're going to hurt more people.." It had been 4 days since the attack on WartWood. She knew Sasha was alive but Marcy was drenched in guilt for slashing her eye. Marcy wiped away tears of frustration as she looked onto the screen. She focused as hard as she could to gain control, but she just felt so weak and hungry.

"Ohh that was close!" One newt voice praised.

"Arthur is kidding. It's not too much of a struggle to maintain you," another newt voice says, laughing.

"You should just quit," another newt voice says in a convincing voice. Marcy couldn't tell why she actually felt like quitting from the sound of their voice.

"Nope," Marcy mutters angrily. She was determined. Although she didn't have much energy, that didn't stop her from giving it her all.

"You know, it's funny," she hears, but she wouldn't even look up. She had her eyes shut firmly. Just focus, she tells herself. "You try so hard to gain control again. But for what?"

Marcy didn't mean to, but she opened her eyes to see a blue newt, tall and slim. He wore armor and had blond-ish hair in a man bun. "I'm not engaging in this conversation with you," Marcy says, flatly, as she shut her eyes tight again. She tried not to cry but she felt kind of fragile at the moment, like a glass cup on the edge of a counter.

"I'm sure you remember what Sasha had said to you back in WartWood, don't you MarMar?"

Marcy remembered it vividly. It ran through her mind often. But she didn't have time for that.

"The silent treatment, hm?" One of the newts teased.

"It's just that, I don't get why you're fighting so hard for Anne and Sasha. They don't even care about you anymore." That isn't true, Marcy tells herself. I'm sure they... care about me. I'll be okay. They'll be okay.

"It's kind of sad to see you drag on like this. I mean, look at the facts. You betrayed them."

Ouch. That hit Marcy right in the heart. It was her greatest fear that her friends would leave her. No matter how much she deserved it, she didn't want them to leave her side. She wanted to beat up this core thing, then Andrias, then save everyone including her friends, then return to living in Newtopia with Olivia and Yunnan.

Marcy's eyes widened. Olivia and Yunnan! She almost forgot about them! That only added more fuel to her.

"Marcy, you're trying to run from what's there, as usual. Like your parents moving?"

"Stop," she mutters.

"From telling Anne and Sasha the truth?"

"Stop it.."

"And even now, from the evidence that Anne and Sasha don't care about-"

"But I care about them!" Marcy screams. "I want to see them again!!"

     "That's the funny thing," a voice says. Marcy hesitantly opened her eyes. "You can see them. How about now?"

     Marcy's eyes widened. No..! She thinks. She dug her fingers into her head tightly as she tried to focus as hard as she could, but she was completely drained.

     "But Marcy," a newt says. "You should see how Anne is doing right now."

     "Anne?" Marcy mutters, before looking up. "Is she okay..?" She couldn't bare to have another friend get hurt. Poor Sasha..

     "Oh, she's more than okay... she's happy."

     "What do you mean?" Marcy asks.

     Suddenly, the screen shifted to Anne, who was shown to be dancing and having fun with the planters. Marcy smiled in relief. Oh thank goodness, she thinks.

     "Don't you get it, Marmar? She doesn't care about you. If she did, she would be worried. But she seems to be having a fun time on Earth."

     "What..?" Marcy whispers. "No, that isn't true. She just.. she needs a break, and-"

     "Honestly, Marcy," she hears. "Your friends, they're furious at you. Sure, they feel bad for you but overall you trapped them here. You betrayed them. And we know you know that."

     "I know what I did was dumb.." Marcy protests. "But I am going to make things right when I see them-"

     "When? That's funny, I recall you brutally beating up your friend Sasha? For the strength of the group she was easy to beat. With your scrawny body, I thought she'd pound on you for sure."

     Marcy already felt overwhelmed with guilt. But that's the thing, the guilt only made her weaker. She fell to her knees, which was strange because she was still in the middle of nowhere, vast black void.

     "I can't give up.. not while my friends are in danger..!" Marcy says as she tries to get up but fails miserably, landing on her face again.

     She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Relax," the voice said, which made her instantly calm down. She had no idea why. She just slumped onto the floor, heavily breathing but conscious. "Marcy.. don't you think it's time to say goodbye to those childhood friends of yours..?"

     Marcy's eyes were half shut. She was just that close. One thread away from letting go. "Maybe.." she mumbles, as she closes her eyes.

     The core had won. She was now apart of it.

     A/N/ ayo! Here's some angst! It's end of semester for me right now so I'm trying to work on my grades but I'll update soon I promise! <3

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