Chapter 2- Sasha

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     Sasha smiled as she lied on the grass under the shade of the apple tree in her backyard.

     "Gosh, Sash! The view is so beautiful from your yard!" Anne complimented.

     "I second that! We can see the whole city from here!" Marcy added, who was sitting on the branch above them.

     Sasha smiled. "It's really nothing. You girls want to go head inside? My nanny is cooking up some spaghetti."

     "Sounds good! Come on, Mar Mar."

     "Okay!" Marcy said, jumping off the branch but landing flat on her face.

     Sasha tried not to laugh as she ran over to help her up with Anne. "Alright, can we agree that's the last time you climb my tree?"

     Marcy and Anne laughed. "Right."

     The three girls ran back into Sasha's house, giggling and talking about all sorts of nonsense. But something felt wrong to Sasha. Something...

     Sasha sat up at the sound of the alarm beeping loudly. She sighs. Of course it was a dream. She stood up and headed towards the closet. She was actually living in Anne's room in the meanwhile. She was trying to protect Wartwood at the time being, but she had called the today in to come today to attempt and convince them to join her rebellion. Everything had to run smoothly. It was the only way she could rescue Marcy and reunite with Anne.

     As Sasha finished putting on her armor and tying her hair up, she hears a knock on the door, or rather the trapdoor. "Come in!" She shouts.

     The trap door swings open as Grime pops in. "Sasha, the toads are just an hour away. Is everything ready?"

     "Well I set up a small area for our meeting by the statue of Mayor Toadstool," Sasha explains. "I'm so nervous. I haven't seen Percy and the other toads since... well... you know."

     "Well," Grime says, walking over to her. "They'll understand. I'm sure. After all, you're doing this to save your friend right?"

     "Not just to save Marcy. To save everyone." Sasha looks into Grime's eyes. "You'll have my back right?"

     "Always, lieutenant."

     Sasha smiles. She was so glad to have at least one friend by her side. She felt a surge of guilt every day for what she tried to do back in Newtopia. Well, she didn't regret throwing the king in jail, especially after he tried to kill Marcy, but more of that she tried to be in control again.

     "I'll meet you there. You should... clean yourself up."

     "Oh no, do I really look that bad?"

     "Well.. you look worn out."

     Sasha nods. "Right, I'll meet you there.." As Grime exists the basement, Sasha immediately flopped onto the bed and started crying quietly. Times were so much simpler when the girls were just 8, running around the fields of their school, playing around. Her heart ached at the thought of what was happening to Marcy. Why did Andrias need her? What were the powers that Anne had? How can Sasha ever go home? It was all really worrying.

     Sasha stands up, wiping her tears. She had to do this. For Marcy. For Anne. For everyone. Sasha looked over at Anne's drawer, where Sasha had left a clip. Marcy's green clip in fact. She clips it onto her hair, brushing it out of her eyes. Sasha picked up her two swords and splashed water on her face as she exists the basement, heading towards the statue, where a whole army of toads stood.

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