Chapter 22- Anne

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     The second Anne woke up to laughing, she knew she was screwed.

     "Huh..?" Anne mumbled. Her eye sight was sort of fuzzy as well as her memory, but she could definitely hear what was going on.

     "At last we meet!" She heard. It was in an oddly familiar voice too. So familiar. But she was so tired she couldn't think of who it was. "Do you want me to call you Heart? Maybe Blue? Or just Anne? Nothing wrong with going with the classic, hm?"

     Anne tried to rub her eye to help herself wake up but realized she was chained to something. Anne managed to get up into her knees as her eye sight finally set. A tall... really tall.... Her eye's widened. "Andrias!" She shouts. But then she looked at the thing beside him. Tall and thin with shiny black armor. Pale skin with black hair sticking out of the helmet. "What..?"

"Hello, Anne!" Andrias exclaims. "I almost missed you. I'm going to let my master carry on, though."

The strange creature smiled evilly. "What? No hello back?" It said, kneeling down closer to Anne. And that's when it hit her. This was no newt. As Anne's eye sight set in place, she realized exactly who it was.

"No way.. Marcy?!" She exclaims, getting up despite her arms were chained. "Marcy is that you?" She smiled. But something didn't feel right. "Marcy, thank frog you're alive!" Anne said excitedly. But she was majorly confused too. "What are you doing with Andrias?! What are you wearing?!"

"Aww, Anne!" She said. "That's funny! Did you think I was Marcy?"

"W-What do you mean..? Mar-Mar, this isn't funny, we have to get out of here, and-"

She suddenly kicked Anne straight in the face, pain jolting through her. Anne fell backwards, pain throbbing in her cheek. "Marcy..?"

"I'm afraid that isn't your Mar-Mar," Andrias says, smiling down at Anne. Anne looked up at him, murder in her eyes.

"What did you do to her?!" She screams, getting up before getting caught by the chains again. She tugged as hard as she could but the cuffs were tight on, enough to make bruises on her wrists.

"Nothing! She gave up all on her own." He smiled as he walked out of the room. "Why don't you talk to her yourself?" As he shut the large doors, Anne turned her attention back to her friend. Or maybe it wasn't her friend at all.

She snapped her fingers and the chains on Anne's wrists suddenly vanished. "You're the famous Heart, hm? You know, I expected much more out of you and Strength, but she was so easy to defeat."

"Strength..? You mean.. Sasha..?"

"Oh, of course! Was that her name?"

Anne bolted forward to Marcy, attempting to do something but was immediately stopped. She put her hand on this strange orange eye in the middle of her armor. It made Anne freeze, as if her body was glued together in a stiff way. "Marcy!" She shouts as loud as she could. "Hey, it's going to be okay!" She promised her. "Are you in there!?"

"There's really no point in you screaming these things," She replied back. "She's gone. She's one of us now."

"What do you mean, one of us?!" Anne demanded.

"You see, you shouldn't call us Marcy. Call us The Core. A hive mind of the most intelligent newts in Amphibia. Until we came across the famous Marcy Wu, mind of the calamity trio. But for the mind, she was easy to manipulate. She gave quite a fight but in the end, she still gave up. Now, we are the nine minds, no longer eight."

"Nine? What? No. You don't know Marcy. She's my... best friend. And I know she doesn't give up easily!" Anne shouts.

The Core walked up to Anne. They slowly removed their hand from the eye before looking down at her as she fell down. "Enough chit chat," They said. "Let's fight."

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