Chapter 4- Anne

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    I'm dead, Anne thought as Ms. Waybright entered the house.

    "I knew something had to be up with your family," She started. "But this?!"

    "Honey!" Anne's mom shouted from the kitchen. "Who's at the door?"

    "Um... it's Sasha's mo- er.. Ms. Waybright!"

    There was a brief moment of silence before her mom and dad came to the entrance. "Ah," she said, clearly trying to remain calm. "Hello. What are you doing here?"

    "Well what did you think? I received a letter giving me just a hint of where my daughter was," Ms. Waybright snapped, handing her the letter. Anne stayed quiet. Of course she should've told her mom what she did but she just wanted Marcy and Sasha's families to feel better after the disappearance of their daughters.

    As Mrs. Boonchuy scanned the letter and gave Anne a look, she turned back to Ms. Waybright. "I see. I will talk with Anne and get back to you on-"

    "Absolutely not!" She says, angrily. "It's very clear you have my daughter!"

    "We certainly do not have Sasha!" Mr. Boonchuy says, stepping in.

    "The girls went missing at the same time! Yet Anne is here? Then where could my daughter be?"

    "Like I said!" Anne pipes up. "Both Marcy and Sasha are in another world!"

    "Enough with the games, my daughter's life is at stake!" Ms. Waybright screams. "I will be calling the cops and giving them information on Anne's return if you don't tell me the truth this instant. Where is Sasha?!"

    Silence. Anne was an idiot thinking she was helping the Waybrights by telling them where Sasha was. She only ended up causing more trouble. Anne sighs. Well, she already dug too deep of a hole for herself. Anne walked over and closed the door. She then walked into the living room and whispered to Sprig, who was hiding under the table, "Come on." Sprig hopped out of his hiding spot as Anne picked him up and walked back over to the front. The look on Ms. Waybright's face was horror.

    "Ms. Waybright," Anne says, "This is Sprig. He's from the world I was telling you about." Anne puts Sprig down as Hop Pop and Polly come out as well. "On my birthday, the three of us stole a magic music box that transported us to a world called Amphibia... we were separated for months until we finally found each other again... sadly in a battle I was the only one who managed to get into the portal."

    Ms. Waybright was stunned, clearly. "I- I can't believe this!" She yelled. "You're trying to tell me my daughter is trapped in a world with frog people? And that she can't come home? Yet you could?"

    "It's much more complicated than that," Anne mumbles. "The portal is back in Amphibia. So we can't get back. And trust me, I've been trying to find a way." Anne walks closer to Ms. Waybright slowly. She looks up at her, as the lady was clearly taller than her. She wrapped her arms around her as she whispers, "I promise Sasha will be back safe... I swear I will stop at nothing to save her. I'm glad you know now."

    Anne saw the pain in Ms. Waybright's eyes. "Yes well... now I know."

    Anne nods as her mom offers Ms. Waybright some tea to calm her down. "I'll be back," Anne tells her mom, as she walks out the door to her house and out of her neighborhood. Now was one last step; talking to the Wu Family.

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