Chapter 27- Sasha

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Sasha covered her mouth as she slowly backed away. "Anne.. we have to get out of here.." Sasha whispers.

"No.." Anne whispers. Sasha looks down at her. She was crying. Yep, Anne is not thinking clearly.. Sasha thinks before turning back to The Core. "Sasha.." Anne whispers. "We can't give up..! I promised myself I'd never go home without you two!" Anne turns to Sasha, complete pain and despair in her eyes. "I promised your mom, Sasha! I promised her!!!!!"

     Sasha winced. Her mom? She was never really close with her mom. Not like she hated her, but ever since her parents split up, her mom was so distant. Sasha ended up being lonely somehow in her large house and dozens of house staff.

     Sasha hesitates, catching her breath. "Anne..!" Sasha says in tears. "I want her as back as you do, but.. we can't do anything right now.. we have to get out of-"

     "NO!" Anne screams, getting up and facing the Core, which had an annoyed face like are you guys done yet? "You're going to give back Marcy!" She screams, about to run to them before Sasha wrapped her arms around Anne, pulling her back.

     "Anne, please!" Sasha begs. "I can't lose you too.. we have to get out of here!"

     "Sasha, we can't leave her behind!" Anne cries. "She's our best friend.. she can't die like this!"

     "SHE'S DEAD, ANNE!" Sasha screams back. "We can't do anything!!"

     "YES WE CAN!" Anne screams back. "I KNOW HER! I've known her for so long! She's so much stronger than this stupid thing! We just have to be there for her..!"

     Sasha froze. She wanted to believe that so badly. But her priority really was to save Anne, which was hard as Anne was putting up quite a fight. Suddenly, Sasha felt herself being lifted up and pulled to The Core, Anne beside her.

     "We're getting a little bored," The Core says, flatly. "I really hoped killing you two would have been more fun.. but alas you did put up quite the fight."

     "Nope," Anne says, as her hair starts to glow cyan as branches expanded out. She pulled her arm back before punching the Core straight in the face, knocking them back into a wall, causing the wall to crumble. As the roof collapsed, The Core raised both arms which stopped the pieces mid air. They motioned the arm towards Anne, which caused the large pieces of the roof to come flying straight at her.

     Anne didn't seem scared. She just stood still, the cement pieces shattering to pieces as soon as they touched a hair on her.

     Anne flew straight for The Core, tackling them to the floor, punching them again and again intensely. It was hard for Sasha to watch. She just saw Marcy, even if it wasn't truly her.

     "Give her back to me!" Anne screams, continuously punching The Core right in the face. Sasha wanted to yell at Anne to stop, but she couldn't... she was stuck on what to do. Anne seemed to as well as she hesitated on one.

     The Core took the chance and lifted their hand which levitated Anne. The Core hurled Anne across the room, crashing into multiple rooms until ending 4 rooms down. "Anne!" Sasha shouts, running over to her before immediately getting stopped by The Core.

     "Oh don't think I've forgotten about you," They say, smiling evilly. They pulled the laser sword out again.

     Sasha's eye locked onto Marcy's. "Marcy..." Sasha whispers. "I know you're in there. If you're apart of The Core it means you can hear me.." Sasha weakly stood up, careful not to move towards The Core. "I... haven't been a good friend to you. I was an idiot, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am.." Sasha sniffled back a tear. "Marcy, you have to stop.. I know you're so much stronger than The Core.."

     "She's right," Anne says. Sasha turns back to see her slowly walking towards her, power completely shut off. Just Anne as a friend walked to Marcy and Sasha. "Marcy... I... I know this is like the worse time to tell you but..." Anne looked directly into Marcy's glowing orange eyes. "I love you... you were always so smart and kind and so optimistic.." Anne took a slow step closer until they were facing each other. "I want you back... I... I forgive you. I know why you did what you did.. I.. I can't tell you how crazy I went after seeing you get stabbed."

     Anne reached out her arm, touching Marcy's cheek. Sasha's heart pounded. Why were they silent? "Please... you just... you have to resist."

     They stood there, with an uncertain look on their face. For a minute, Sasha almost thought she was back. But the face quickly melted off of their face as they knee Anne right in the gut, causing her to stumble backwards.

     Sasha sprung into action by throwing a punch at The Core immediately, before The Core grabbed her arm and threw her into the floor, Sasha crashing onto the marble floor on her leg with a devastating pain surging through her. Sasha jumped to her feet but feel down quickly. Her ankle was completely broken. "Ahh..!" She winced.

     The Core kicked Sasha right in the face, causing her to fall backwards once more, landing on her back. The disgusting taste of blood filled her mouth. At this point, Sasha was completely numb, only half conscious. "Oh Marcy.." Sasha managed to whisper. The Core stomped on Sasha's chest, pressing down. At this point, Sasha couldn't even feel it. She was completely numb inside.

     Is this really it..? Sasha thinks. She always imagined her and the girls all with amazing jobs in the future. They'd all still befriends, maybe even college roommates. Sasha wanted to be a business woman like her mom. If she remembered correctly, Anne wanted to run her parents store and Marcy wanted to be a nurse. Now none of them could do it...

      Sasha closed her eyes. Okay... I'm done.

     A/N/ before you even ask, no Sasha is not dead. Oh but don't get attached to Marcy I'm not even done torturing her 😁 jkjk I honestly love Marcy but I also think she will have this much torture in the show.

     I also love seeing you guys suffer

    Toodles! <3

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