Chapter 33- Sasha

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     A/N/ OKAY I know it's technically supposed to be Anne's chapter if we are going in order but uhhhh right now all the important stuff is going on with Sasha so NEXT chapter will be Anne POV anyways here's the chapter lol

     Olivia pushed open the large library doors. This was the first time Sasha ever seen the palace library. Sasha turned to Marcy. "Hey, are you doing alright?" Sasha whispers.

     Marcy honestly looked exhausted. She was hardly walking, it was more like Yunnan and Sasha were dragging her. She looked up at Sasha. "I'm good.. I'm trying my best right now, sorry.."

     "N-No!" Sasha says. "You're fine. You're doing great, Mar-Mar."

     Marcy smiled weakly at Sasha. "Thanks.. I really missed you," she whispers. Sasha smiled at her as Yunnan slowly let her down on a couch.

     "Sasha, you stay here with Marcy. Olivia and I will try to find something," Yunnan orders. Sasha nodded. She wanted to spend a little time with a Marcy if she was being honest. She just wanted to comfort her.

     Marcy rested her head on Sasha's lap as Sasha turned a little red. "Hey Sash..?" Marcy whispers.

     Sasha looked down at her. "Yeah..?" Sasha whispers back.

     "Um.." Marcy's ears turned red. "What... happened back there..?"

     Sasha hesitated. "Hey... that doesn't matter. You're here now, aren't you? I'n so grateful." Sasha felt a small water drop on her leg.

     "Oh Sash.." Marcy whispered, voice shaking. "I did it didn't I? I did it... your eye..."

     Sasha gasps quietly, putting her hand on her patched up eye. "You didn't do anything," Sasha reassured her, patting her head. "Don't blame yourself for this."

     Marcy stayed silent for a moment. "I'm... I.." she hugged Sasha's waist. "I'll help you... I'll figure it out." Marcy slowly got up, sitting onto the coach on her bottom. "My power... healing right? I'll figure it out. I promise."

     "Hey..!" Sasha says, putting her hand on Marcy's shoulder. "My eye is the least of your worries. You have to make sure you're okay. I.. kind of got used to it actually. Just right now, you have to be resting."

     Marcy's hair wasn't full green, just kind of glowing at the tips. This scared Sasha, as it showed her powers were fading already. "Okay.." Marcy says quietly. She shuddered, gripping her fingers into her arm. "I.. they're fighting.."

     "Come on, Marce," Sasha says, pulling her closely into a hug. "You're doing great.. just hold on for a little longer. I'm here.. I'm here.."

     "I'm scared," Marcy admits. "I'm scared I'll hurt you again..."

     "You never hurt me," Sasha says. "I... I hurt you, okay? I.. betrayed you and Anne.. I'm such a screw up..." Sasha stopped. Not now, Waybright, she thinks to herself. "Marcy... you don't have to worry okay? Anne and I have forgiven you."

Marcy looked at Sasha. "I know... I just... I can't even begin to.." Marcy winced. "I'm slipping.. I can feel it... I have to get out-"

"No!" Sasha insisted. "I'll be here for you. Just focus. Be calm. That's it, okay? Deep breath." Marcy looked hesitant but she slowly inhaled and exhaled, holding tightly onto Sasha's hands. Sasha felt panicked. She wanted Marcy to feel calm but how could they live laugh love in these conditions? A/N/ sorry I had to.

"Okay.. calm.." Marcy mutters to herself. Sasha found it cute that Marcy would always whisper to herself when trying to get in the zone.

Sasha turned her attention to Olivia and Yunnan who were frantically throwing books around trying to find a cure. "Found anything yet?" Sasha calls.

"Absolutely nothing!" Olivia yells in frustration. "There is nothing on how to get the core out of one's body!"

"Besides death."

Sasha turned quickly to Marcy, who was "in the zone" of focusing so didn't hear Yunnan. "Well that's not happening. I just got her back," Olivia snapped. She slowly stood up from the couch. Surprisingly Marcy didn't even notice. Huh.

Sasha ran over to them, joining the hunt through books. She scrambled through the books desperately but nothing even mentioned The Core. Sasha was losing hope. "Guys!" Sasha yells. "What happened when The Core got added into her body?!"

     "It was the basement! They plugged her into the seats and did something that transferred it in!"

     "Well can't we just put her back in and do the opposite?!" Sasha yells.

     "Neither Olivia or I know how to do it, we could seriously harm her!" Yunnan yells back.

     "Well it's the only lead we have!" Sasha yells.

     They both looked uncertain. "We could try and figure it out-"

     "Awesome, let's go then," Sasha announced before running back to Marcy. "Hey Marce-"

     "AhHh!" Marcy yelled. Sasha clearly alarmed her.

     "You good?" Sasha asks.

     "Umm.. yeah..?"

"We're.. going to go to the basement. We might have figured out how to help you. All you have to do is stay focused, alright? Just hold on."

Marcy nodded weakly as Sasha scooped her up, bridal style. She was surprisingly light. That was definitely not good.

"I can help," Yunnan says, walking over to them before Olivia pulled her back, whispering something in her ear. "Ohhhhh. You keep doing what you're doing," Yunnan says, laughing to herself as they lead the way through the place.

Sasha's face turned red. This was definitely not the time for sasharcy shipping. She sighed before following them through the palace halls again. Sasha looked down at Marcy. "Please be okay," she whispered. She looked into the distance of the palace view. "You too, Anne.."

A/N/ I'll let you guys decide: Marcanne, Sashanne, Sasharcy, or Sashannarcy?

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