Chapter 6- Marcy

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Marcy really hated having no control over her body. All she did all day was sit around and watch the core do horrible things. Sometimes she was able to reason with it, but it wasn't always successful.

"Hello? Core? I'd like to speak with Olivia and Yunnan."

"That isn't happening," she would hear.
"Please," she begs. "It's been days. Are they at least being fed?"

"You know, Marcy, they're the least of your worries. Now quiet," it said.

Suddenly, Marcy felt as if her voice was gone. She couldn't say a word. This is horrible, she thinks, weakly. I hope Anne and Sasha are okay. All Marcy really could do was cry. Also sleep. Marcy did sleep a lot. She didn't get food. Yeah, what a shock; she needed food still. But she didn't die. Technically she was only there eternally. The core did eat, but she felt none of it. It was kind of exhausting.

"Andrias, I presume the robots are almost ready for the invasion?" It spoke, entering Andrias's study room.

Andrias turned to face his master. "Very close. I believe in just a day or two they will be completely ready. And the box is fully charged and ready to go."

"Very well. Aren't you concerned about strength getting in the way?"

"Sasha? I'm not sure how much of a threat she can pose without her calamity powers, my lord."

Sasha? Marcy thinks. Marcy was being called the mind, and she knew Anne was referred to as "the heart". Sasha being the strength was incredibly fitting. It almost made Marcy giggle when she remembered going to Sasha's cheer practice and watching her do all sorts of stunts that impressed her. Marcy once tried doing a cartwheel and landed face first in the dirt. Marcy quickly snapped out of the thought as she remembered her friends were in danger... as usual.

"The robots sent after her were destroyed," it reminded Andrias. "Never send a robot to do a newt's job."

"Of course," Andrias says. "I do have to stay here and finish all the preparations for the robots."

"Then I myself will finish strength off," The core says. Marcy's eyes widened. Not Sasha! She thinks.
"With Strength in the way, all that's left is Heart. And if I recall, you suffered a devastatingly embarrassing defeat from her last week." Well the core isn't wrong there, Marcy thinks.

"Even so," Andrias says, "She and the frog family will stand no chance against the robot army. There are hundreds of thousands of robots ready. Earth will be yours, and so will all the worlds."

The core nodded. "I'm trusting you," it said, as the core left the room. "And now it's time to find Strength."

Suddenly, Marcy got her voice back. "No!" She screams. "Stay away from my friend!"

Suddenly, behind her started to glow bright orange. She turned around to see Sasha, but her eyes were orange like the core's. Marcy hated when the core took the form of her friends. "Your friend is getting in the way of the invasion."

"I don't care!" Marcy yelled. "You can't go through with the invasion. Just look and what you've done to Newtopia. It looks like a waste land. I can't bare to see that happen to my home!"

Sasha, or rather the core, leaned in closer to Marcy. "That was rather brave of you. But I think a demonstration of my power is needed." It reached its hands out to Marcy. Marcy felt paralyzed suddenly. She was shaking but that was all she could do. It placed a finger on Marcy's forehead, which caused flashbacks to pour through her mind. Marcy saw her parents screaming at her, she saw her getting bullied at school, she saw her getting stabbed, and worst of all, she saw herself getting possessed. It was all on loop as Marcy let out a shrill scream, shutting her eyes and falling onto her knees. "Stop!" She begs, tears pouring down from her face. "I don't want to see this!"

She heard a slight chuckle as she opens her eyes and sees the core once again. "That's just a warning," it said. "I can dig in deeper. What are you truly afraid of, Marcy Wu?"

Marcy hesitated. She couldn't even look at it. Marcy still shook with fear. What was she going to do?

"I thought so. Why don't you take a little nap while I finish off your friend?" It said. Marcy looked up at the core, but it was too late. She slumped down, feeling dizzy. Everything started blacking out as Marcy knew her friend was done for.

A/N/ Hello! Thank you to the few of y'all that have been reading my fanfiction <3 I think I've had a passion for writing for a long time and it took a lot of courage to start writing on this app but I'm glad there are a few of you that like this (it's really all I ask for ☺️) I'm hoping to write at least one chapter a day. Have a great day everyone <3

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