Chapter 35- Sasha

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     Sasha would've enjoyed the mini tour Olivia was giving her if it weren't for the fact that Marcy was dying.

Sasha held her close. "Are we almost there yet?!" Sasha demands, impatiently.

"Watch the tone, Waybright. Remember what happened last time you rushed into things?" Olivia asked.

Sasha hesitates. "Right.. sorry."

Olivia reached a room. She pushed open the door to reveal a nice little cozy bedroom. Sasha immediately recognize it to be Marcy's, as it had a mini drawing of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy as characters from Vagabondia Chronicles. That hurt.

Olivia reached down and pulled the rug up, which revealed a secret trapdoor. "I still can't believe you knew this was here the whole time and never thought of telling me," Yunnan grumbles saltily as Olivia pulled the trapdoor open.

"If I had known what the king was doing, I assure you I would have never hid this," Olivia whispers as the gang head down the stairs. It was dark and kinda wet in a way. Sasha could hear water drops hitting to the floor creating small and quiet noises. It was creepy.

Sasha looked down at Marcy. Her hair was giving off all the light they needed, as it was faded glowing green. She looked stressed, her eyes shut tightly closed and her breathing heavy. "Marce, you doing good?"

Marcy shook her head, sweating. "I don't want to go back in the basement."

Sasha hesitated. She did not expect that. "Hey.. you'll be okay. I promise. I will be here with you. Just a little longer."

     Marcy looked so scared, which only made Sasha worry more. What exactly happened down there?

     Sasha reached the bottom of the staircase, holding on tightly to Marcy. "Olivia? Yunnan?" Sasha whispers. "I've been meaning to ask... where is Grime?"

     They hesitated. "That's complicated.. while we were having a fairly difficult time finding you due to the map you stole, Grime decided to split up from us. He's definitely in Newtopia, we're sure of it. We'll meet up with him soon," Yunnan promised. Sasha sighed. She missed her toad dad..

     As the gang walked through the dark hallway, Olivia held out her arm. It was funny seeing someone half Sasha's height stop her. "Stop here," she whispers, slowly reaching down, picking up a dead branch. She scraped it against a sharp stone on the floor causing a fire. Make-shift torch.

     She held it up to show many creatures Sasha had never even see in the room. A strange glowing rock creature with moss? Coffins in the lakes? Ghost like creatures? You name it. "Creatures from other worlds," Olivia explains quietly. She seemed so sad. "Truly disgusting. He took them from their homes, kept them here like test subjects.."

     Sasha hesitated. "We'll release them.. I promise, Olivia."

     "Yes.." Olivia says, quietly. "Let's go now. We're just about there." Sasha nodded. The sight of the creatures also greatly disturbed her. But not as much as what she was about to see.

     Marcy looked the most disturbed. "AHH!" She screams in pain. Sasha looked down at Marcy. She was clutching her head. 


     "Sasha, we have to hurry I can't! I can't hold it!" Marcy shouts. Sasha nodded quickly as she, Olivia, and Yunnan ran as fast as they could towards the basement. Though Sasha was tired, her calamity powers luckily kicked in and helped made it easier for her to carry Marcy.

    They finally made it to the room. Sasha was stunned. The room was almost pitch black. There was a small containment pod with amphibian writing on it. Next to it, there was a small chair with wood-like engravings. There was a strange robot-like creature in the back, broken down.

     "Quickly, get Marcy onto the chair!" Olivia orders.

     Sasha nodded as she ran up the steps, placing Marcy gently onto the chair. "Just a little bit longer, Marcy!" Sasha promised. She cupped her face. "You're going to be alright.. I'm not letting anything happen you." Tears welled up in her left eye. "This time, nothing is separating us... okay..?"

     Marcy nodded but she looked so unsure. Her left eye was orange. "Guys we have to hurry!" Sasha yells back at them. "How do we get it out?!"

     "I'm not sure, I told you I don't know how it works!" Olivia cries. She looked at the panel. All the buttons were unlabeled. Except one shiny red button stood out.

     "That! What does that do?!" Sasha yells.

     "I don't know!" Yunnan says.

     "Do not push it," Olivia warns. "Newt knows what'll happen."

     Sasha didn't even hesitate. "It's big and red and basically Marcy's only last hope. I'm pushing it." She slammed her hand on the button. A loud hissing noise came out as Sasha turned around. Marcy suddenly got handcuffed to the chair.

     "AHH!" She screams.

    "You'll be okay, Marcy!" Sasha yells, running back to her. "We're trying to help you!"

     "Help me?!" Marcy shouts. Before tubes plugged into her wrists. "I remember this very differently..!"

     "Just hold on!" Sasha begs, holding onto her hand tightly. She was worried for Marcy. She was reacting this badly.. what happened..?

     Marcy nodded, her eyes shut tight, tears forming. "I'm scared," she says, shaky voice.

     "You're going to be okay.." Sasha promises. "This time, we're going to go home. You and I... we're going to see our families again.. we'll be happy!"

     Marcy nodded. "Yeah.."

     Suddenly, the light flickered on as Marcy let out a devastating scream. She shook with pain, but Sasha refused to let go. It all suddenly went to a stop as Marcy slumped into Sasha. "Marcy??" Sasha shakes her. She quickly took her wrist, taking her pulse. Beating... she was alright.

     Sasha breathed a sigh of relief. "Shes okay!" Sasha announces to Olivia and Yunnan. They looked so relieved.

     "Wonderful!" Yunnan says. "Pick her up let's get out of here!"

     "Not so fast," Olivia says. "True it appears we've gotten The Core out of Marcy, but where could it have gone to? The original bot host had still seems to be broken down."

     Sasha shook her head. "There's no time for that, we have to get going now!" She says, picking Marcy up. "Let's go!"

     They nodded as they all ran out of the room. Sasha did think a lot about what Olivia had said. This was definitely not good. But all she could really think about now is finding Anne and getting home..

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