Chapter 34- Anne

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A/N/ Before we get into this chapter, we got an official date for Amphibia and The Owl House! So excited! I'm hoping to end my fanfiction before Amphibia season 3B comes out and see how many things I predicted 😁 which is probably none I kinda went too dark whoopsie. Anyways PARTY TIME HOW YALL FEELIN?! 🎉


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Was Anne okay? No. No she was not.

She walked through the palace halls quietly with The Planters walking behind her. "Anne, do you know where you're going?" Sprig asks.

"Honestly, no," Anne admits. She was a little spaced out from the recent events. But she can do what she always did: pretend everything is okay until she can cry alone again! "All I know is we have to regroup with Sasha. But she's probably somewhere in this palace as well."

"Or possibly outside," HopPop offers. "If she were to help the survivors."

"Well we freed the last of them, I think there aren't any left," Anne admits sadly. It was too cruel. She sniffled quietly. No one heard her luckily. Or maybe not luckily. She wanted to hug Sasha right now, cry more maybe. Or go home to her family and give them a big hug. Maybe visit some of her classmates..? Go to high school, fail a few classes, the usual. Would she ever get to do that..?

     "Where could Sasha be then?"

Anne looked out the palace window. "I don't know.." she admits, pushing the door open. It was painful to see how much of a dump Newtopia became. Anne missed the beautiful golden kingdom. She looked out and saw the golden statue of Marcy, still standing high up. Pain hit her like a train. "Let's get out of here," Anne says quietly as she slowly activated her powers. She picked up all the planters, which were actually fairly light, and flew off into the kingdom. Anne hugged them tightly, sniffling a little. Her heart still hurt. But at the moment, she knew she had to set aside her feelings.

     Suddenly, she felt her powers flickering like a light. She started flying down as fast as she could to land before she would crash, but it was too late. "AHHH!!" She screams, crashing into a lake next to Marcy's statue. She couldn't swim that well. She burst out of the water, coughing it out. She immediately looked around to find her family. They were swimming perfectly fine.

     "Anne what was that for??" Polly asks.

     "I- I don't know..! I didn't mean to. I just felt my power flickering on and off, I.." Anne hesitated. Her emotions always played around with her power after all. "I'm sorry. Let's just get out of here."

     She swam to the edge, jumping onto the land alongside The Planters. "Did you find anything while you were up there at least?" Sprig asks.

     "I couldn't find a single newt or human in sight," Anne whispers, frustratedly. "Where could Sasha be..?" She looked around at the empty city. She never got too attached to it like she did with WartWood, but it was too sickening to see the city like this.

    "There's no use complaining about it, let's just look around the city. Are you able to activate your powers again, Anne?" HopPop asks.

     Anne shut her eyes in an attempt to focus but nothing happened. Anne sighed. "I'm sorry.. I just don't know what's wrong with me."

     They stayed silent for a moment. Anne knew they felt awkward. How could they possibly know what she was going through? Anne stood up. "I think it's best if we split up.. cover more ground that way?"

     "Anne, that is not a good idea-"

     "Alright," HopPop interrupts. "Maybe it's best if you got a little alone time. This city doesn't seem too dangerous. Just meet back exactly here in an hour."

     Anne sniffled. "Alright.. see you guys later," she says as she runs off into the city, or at least what was left of it. It was broken down and ruined, dirty water leaking through the city.

     Anne walked deeper and deeper into the city, taking it all in. "What even destroyed the city so badly?" Anne mutters. She knew it was Andrias, that blue idiot, but what did he use? The bots?

     Beep beep.

     Oh wow, speak of the devil.

     Anne turned around to see one of the killer robots. "You've got to be kidding," she mutters, activating her powers. But it was much weaker than before. No matter. She ran straight to the bot, punching it right through the chest, causing it to explode straight through the middle. Anne decided she had one goal now. She picked up the head of the bot. "Hey, Andri-ass," She says. "I'm coming for you and I'm gonna kick your blue butt to tomorrow, so you better send all the bots you can." She threw the head hard onto the floor, it crashed, breaking into multiple pieces.

     She wanted revenge.

     And she would get it.

     A/N/ sorry about the three days off, I had some writers block :,)

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