Chapter 31- Olivia

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     A/N/ Yes yes we get an Olivia chapter :D it'll add to the pain.


     It was a normal day in Newtopia. Olivia had only expected to go on a walk around the kingdom, checking on all the newts. It was rather tiresome, as they always had something to say.

      "Lady Olivia, we need more supply for the new school."

     "Lady Olivia, we don't have enough room for the stands."

     "Lady Olivia, there isn't enough plants to continue on the greenhouse."

     And way more that Olivia already had listed down. "Of course, I'll get right on it," she had said, writing down more things on her list. It was tiring being the advisor for the king, but she liked it in a way.

     "Lady Olivia!" She heard as she turned around, getting startled by the talk newt in front of her. But no, it was just General Yunnan.

     "Yunnan? What are you doing here?" Olivia asked. 

     "Just a patrol. I'm on break now though," Yunnan said as they both walked together. "Are you heading back to the palace?"

     "Yeah, I have to bring this list to the king," Olivia explained. "The newts have quite a lot of requests."

     "I'm heading to the palace too! Let's go together," she said, wrapping her arm around Olivia's shoulder. Olivia looked at her. What is this? She thought.

     As the two approached the stairs leading near to the palace, they noticed a large crowd of newts gathered around it. "What is going on?" Olivia demanded. As soon as everyone saw her, they immediately cleared a path for Olivia and Yunnan. They walked through it, but what Olivia saw left her completely speechless.

     It was some weird creature just lying on the floor, seemed to be badly injured. "Oh my," Olivia said, examining it more closely.

     "Did anyone see what happened?" Yunnan demanded to the crowd.

     "I saw it fall down the stairs," one newt peeped out.

     "I've never seen a creature like this before," Olivia said, looking at the facial features.

     "By the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be very intelligent to fall down our stairs," Yunnan pointed out. "Should we take it to the hospital?"

     "I suppose so. I'll let the king know right away. Could you handle this for now?"

     "Of course," Yunnan said, picking up the creature before walking off to the hospital. Olivia just looked at them before quickly snapping back to reality.

     "Alright! Everyone get back to what they're doing," Olivia ordered as the crowd quickly disappeared. Everyone was scared of Olivia in a way, but at least they respected her. Olivia made her way back to the palace quickly, but all she really wanted to do was see the creature again. She was so curious.

     ~ time skip ~

     It had been a month or two since Marcy started living in the palace with Olivia and Yunnan. She had the room right next door to hers. Olivia took the initiative to check on it every day. Though Olivia was impressed by Marcy, she still was a little skeptical.

Olivia kind of got attached to Marcy in a weird way. She was loud, energetic, clumsy, and rather smart at the same time. Olivia always wanted a family of her own, but sadly she had devoted her life to helping the kingdom. That's what she would do.

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