Chapter 12- Marcy

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     A/N/ Marcy is currently unconscious so I didn't really know what to write so you get a flashback chapter! This chapter is optional to read.
     They were together again. Marcy, Sasha, and Anne all sat at Anne's bed in the planters basement. Marcy didn't remember what she was doing, probably looking at the mushrooms, but Anne ended up saying, "Oh shoot! Sorry guys, I promised Sprig I'd hang out with him today."

     "What? You have to be kidding, Anne!" Sasha groaned. "We get reunited for two days and you're already off on your own?"

     Anne laughs nervously. "I'll be back at 5 for dinner." She jumped off the bed and ran upstairs as Marcy and Sasha stayed in silence.

     "Can't believe this," Sasha muttered.

     Marcy stood up, walking closer to Sasha. "Hey.. Sash are you alright?"

     "No, Marcy! Haven't you noticed? Anne is totally replacing us with that dumb frog family. It's so frustrating."

     Now it was Marcy's turn to laugh nervously. She placed one hand on Sasha's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry Sashy, Anne isn't replacing us! I mean, sure she's gotten close to them, but it's like how I have Olivia and Yunnan, and you have Grime! We all made friends here."

     Sasha shook her head. "No, Marcy!" She yells, standing up from the bed. Marcy took a slight step back in fear. "How much longer can you keep defending her? Like I get being optimistic and perky is your thing but..." Sasha sighed. "Forget it." She walked right past her, slamming the trap door.

     Marcy felt a little tears peeking out from her eyes as she flopped down onto Anne's bed. Not now, she thinks. We can't fall apart now..! Marcy wiped the little tears that came out and started running. She was definitely never the athletic type but she still sprinted rather fast in an attempt to catch up with Sasha. "Sasha, wait!" She shouted.

     Sasha turned around, giving an angry look towards Marcy. She also had tears peeking out. Not a lot, but Marcy could just tell how sad Sasha was.

     "What, Marcy? I said what I said, and now-"

     Marcy pulled Sasha in and hugged her tightly. She softly patted her back as Sasha cried slightly.

     "Did Anne.. even tell you what happened?" Sasha asked with a trembling voice.

     "Yes.. you two got into a fight, right?"

     Sasha paused. "What..? Well, yeah. But like an actual fight.."

     Marcy gasped. "With swords and stuff?" Marcy asks.

     Sasha nods very seriously as they broke apart the hug. "With swords and stuff."

     Marcy was so confused how they could possibly fight. Sure, sometimes Sasha scared Marcy and sometimes Anne was a little bit of a pushover but they were all best friends. Marcy didn't want them to change. She just wanted to stay with them, together.

"How could that happen..?" Marcy asked, her voice shaking. "We're best friends. You two, you guys are best friends!"

"Well how do you think I got this scar?!" Sasha snapped, pointing to the scar on her cheek. Marcy had noticed it before, but never would've guessed it was Anne.

"No.." Marcy whispers. "Anne..? She did it?"

"And she didn't have the guts to tell you. It's that dumb frog family we fought over. And she chose them! And I wouldn't be surprised if she would chose them over you too, Marcy!"

Marcy shook her head. "No.. of course she cares about us Sasha... I know you fought but..."

Sasha sighed. "I guess it's no use. Let's just forget about it, okay?"

Marcy nodded slowly. "Right..."

Sasha gave Marcy a quick hug before walking off. Marcy sat on the dirt floor. She was told to forget about it but she couldn't. Marcy remembered that Anne left her to go back to WartWood with the Planters. She knew it was her suggestion but she didn't even give it a second thought. It.. hurt.

Marcy hurried her head into her knees and sobbed quietly. This wasn't what was supposed to happen, Marcy thinks. Does Anne.. really not care about me?

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