Chapter 14- Sasha

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     Everything hurt. That's all Sasha knew. She could hardly remember what happened. She saw Grime stop by and check on her every now. She heard muffled talking often. She was conscious but barely. Things went on like that for a while, until she finally woke up.

     "Huh..?" She mumbled.

     "Sasha! She's awake!" A voice shouts.

     "Sasha!" Many voices yelled at once.

     Sasha slowly managed to sit up as her eye sight was hazy. So bad, she couldn't see out of her right eye. It was just... black.

     She saw many frogs from WartWood all sitting by her bed, and Grime stood next to her.

     " Lieutenant!" Grime shouts.

     Sasha looked at him tiredly. "What.. where am I...?" Her senses were slowly coming back. They were outdoors.. sort of.. there were ruins of stone walls. Sasha sat on a frog sized bed, her feet almost dangling off the edge.

     "Toad Tower," Grime responds. "You took a pretty bad hit back at WartWood. You've been unconscious for three days. I.. I didn't know if you'd make it."

     "Come on," an old frog says. "Let's give Sasha some time to rest." The group of frogs walked off into the forest.

    Grime started to walk off too until Sasha shouted, "Wait!" He turned around and walked back to her.

     "Where is she..?" Sasha whimpers. "Where is..."

     Grime quickly pulled Sasha into a hug as she cried into his shoulder. "She's with Andrias."

     "She would never!" Sasha insists. Even yelling made her tired. "We have to find her!"

     "She destroyed WartWood," Grime tried to explain. "She's beyond finding. She vanished very fast."

     Sasha felt tears coming from her left eye. "No... it can't be..." Sasha put her hand to her right eye as she realized it was bandaged. "My.. eye..."

     "You two fought. She's much more powerful now influenced with the power in Newtopia."

     Sasha tried to get up but it only made pain strike through her whole body. "Ah!" She wailed, as she fell back onto the bed.

"Easy, Lieutenant!" Grime scolds. "You took a bad hit. The frogs helped patch you up but they aren't newts. They don't know much, there isn't free public health care in WartWood."

Sasha sat in silence. So... my friend is working for the king against her will and I have to fight her to save her but if I hurt her I hurt her so I can't hurt her but she's gonna hurt me..? Sasha buried her head into the blanket. "Oh Grime... I can't leave her like that..."

"Our first priority is to bring these frogs to safety!" Grime insists. "We promised to protect them. You can't take off on your own."

"But Marcy!" Sasha shouts. "She.. she didn't want to be alone! It's too cruel! How could Andrias..." something hit her. What Not Marcy had said at the battle. "The Core.. what is that..?"

Grime hesitated. "The Core?"

Sasha nodded. "When I fought... her... something inside her spoke.. it said it was the core.."

"The Core.. it was just a legend.."

Sasha looked Grime in the eyes. "What is it?!"

Grime sighed. "It was a collection of the smartest minds of newts into one soul. It was just a story everyone knew about. They were added to a newt host. The host would be added to the collection until the body dies and it moves to the next one."

Sasha chocked. Marcy was definitely smart. Could she have actually been added to that..? "No.." Sasha whispered. "Marcy.. she's the host..?"

     "I'm afraid so," Grime says, patting Sasha on the back.

     Sasha felt dizzy and sick. Not from being beat up brutally. But just the thought of it. She smiled at the thought of kicking the living crap out of Andrias.

     "Grime I have to find her," She insists. "It's my fault that happened to her."

     "It isn't, Sasha!" Grime tried to argue.

     "No! It is! I couldn't even stall Andrias! She could've gotten to safety but I failed her!" Sasha shouted, banging her fist onto her bed. "I have to do things right this time..!"

     Grime stayed quiet. "You... you promised that you would protect these frogs!"

     Sasha took a deep breath. "I know... I know I did...  but what else can I do?" She got onto her feet, though shaking. Pain jolted through her body but she took a few steps. She clenched her jaw as her ankle felt swollen with pain.

     "I can't let you go," Grime says, stepping in front of her. "You're hurt.. you can't go on your own."

     "You have to take care of the frogs!" Sasha insists. "I'm sorry. I know I wanted to help them, and it's so selfish of me to brush it off onto you but..." Sasha felt tears come out of her left eye. "I just... I have to..."

     "You could use some help," Sasha heard. She immediately turned around and felt a jolt of fear. It was two newts, one tall and pink and one shorter and blue.

     Olivia and Yunnan.

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