Chapter 13- Anne

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     Anne twisted the door knob to her home and pulled it open. She sighed as she threw her shoes inside and walked in, Sprig following behind.

     "Anne!" Anne's dad shouted, coming over to her with her mother by his wife. "Where were you?!"

     "We were so close to calling the police, you can not just take off like that!" Anne's mom added.

     Anne sighed. "Mom.. Dad.. I'm sorry.." She whispered. "I just... I miss them.."

    The angry expression on their faces melted quickly as they ran over and pulled her into a hug.

     "Hey.. it's okay, Sweetie.." Anne's mom
whispered. "I know how hard it must be for you right now, we just can't have you running off like that."

     "I know.. I'm so sorry.."

     Anne's dad pat her on the head as her mom kissed her forehead. "It's alright. Let's just eat breakfast, okay?" She said in that soft voice she had.

     Anne nodded as the family walked into the kitchen and sat to eat, as the Planters started devouring all the flies caught from the fly trap. Anne sighed as she ate the eggs her mother had made. She felt so nervous. How would she ever see her friends again?

     Suddenly, she felt the whole house vibrate roughly as she collapsed onto the floor along with everyone else.

     "What's going on?!" Polly demanded.

     "I-I don't know!" Anne shouts back, as she hears loud thunder noises.

     "Isn't it just a thunder storm?" HopPop asked.

     "Definitely not.. it wouldn't shake the house," Anne whispers as she got up and ran for the door. She practically tore it open as she gasped. The whole sky was grey with loud thunder. There were colors shooting through the sky; green, pink, and a little blue. "Oh my frog.." Anne whispered. "They're here."
     A/N/ Hello! Thank you so much for reading this chapter 😊 I hope y'all are enjoying this fanfiction so far! It's been getting a little popular and I'm so grateful for everyone! Question of the day: who's your favorite character? Mine is definitely Marcy! 💚

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