Chapter 38- Anne

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     "You... you were the original heart... weren't you?" Anne asks, voice shaking. Andrias's eyes widened. "I saw it, I saw everything! You, Lidia, Tolous... you three! You guys were the original calamity holders.. weren't you?"

Andrias stood up, his face stone cold. "Enough, Anne," he says. "That.. that was a long time ago."

"I saw you," Anne continues. "You killed Tolous... you killed your own best friend!" Andrias looked remorseful in a way, but still had a hard expression. "And what happened to Lidia? What did you do to her?!"

"She died bringing the music box to earth, I presume." Andrias said, coldly. Did he not even care? "Alas, I did what I had to."

"And that's why you couldn't be the heart," Anne says. "You're too heartless for that! You don't even care about all these allies you made unless you get what you want!"

"Speak for yourself, Anne Boonchuy," Andrias says. "Was it not you that just left The Planters to find me?" Anne gasped. She almost had forgotten about them. "You're not worthy of being the heart or wielding the calamity box."

"I completed the temple!" Anne argues. "You can't recharge that box without me! It's useless to even try!"

"I don't have to," Andrias says. "Before the box shut down, I got thousands of bots to Earth."

Anne gasped, stumbling back. "No..." she whispers in horror. Her family.. her friends... what could she do..?

"Yes," Andrias says, smiling evilly. "Earth is under my control now. And next up is all the worlds!"

"I won't let you!" Anne yells. "I'm going to stop you!" She activated her power, charging straight at him. She jumped forward in an attempt to punch him but he pulled out his shield, blocking her. The shield started to crack.

He forcefully shoved her off of the shield, causing her to fly backwards. She used her feet to push off of the walls, coming at him with full force again. She came into contact with the shield again, this time cracking it the entire thing, causing it to shatter into pieces. She punched Andrias in the face, causing him to fly backwards into the palace wall. Anne looked up as the ceiling started crumbling. A huge piece of the roof suddenly collapsed onto Andrias.

Anne looked around in horror as the palace was going down. She was about to get out before she heard the voice, "Anne?!"

Anne turned back to see Sasha just at the doorway. "Sasha!" Anne shouts. "The palace is going to collapse!" She flew towards Sasha immediately, grabbing her by the waist before taking off again through the nearest window, a split second before the whole palace came crashing down, dust exploding out. And of course because Anne has 0 control over her powers, they landed onto the floor roughly and very fast. Anne unfortunately landed on her chest which was exactly where Andrias cut into.

     Anne looked up the stairs to see Andrias get up from the ruins, running off quickly. She sighed as she realized she lost him.

"Anne! I- I'm sorry I.." She froze. "Your chest.."

"Yup, Andrias felt like killing another 13 year old child," Anne says, miserably.

"Oh actually-"

"Sasha, you won't believe what happened," Anne interrupts. "My calamity power.. it was so weird! I just saw what happened, I saw his past! Andrias, he was the original heart before me! And his friends, Lidia and Tolous, they were the strength and mind!"

"No way, really?" Sasha asks. "What happened?"

"They got into a fight when Andrias tried to use the box to capture other creatures. Andrias ended up killing Tolous and Lidia died bringing the box to earth."

"That's horrible.." Sasha says.

"Anne! Sasha!" She hears. Anne turned her attention to Olivia and Yunnan who were running towards them, Yunnan carrying Marcy. Marcy.. MARCY?!

"You guys!" Anne says, jumping to her feet. "W-What- what happened to her?" Anne examined Marcy closer. She was completely healed. No more cuts, no more blood. She was just unconscious. Yunnan placed her down softly on the ground.

"I tried to tell you," Sasha says. "Marcy.. she's alive."

Anne gasped. She felt her heart racing. "Really?!" Anne yells. "Oh my frog! What happened? I- I thought she.. I thought I killed her..!"

"It was her calamity power," Sasha explains. "It healed her. I think we managed to get The Core out of her as well."

"That's.. that's such a relief!" Anne says, feeling tears run down. "I was such a mess, I.. I'm so glad.."

Marcy suddenly shifted a little bit. Everyone gasped. "Marcy??" Anne says, poking her cheek.

Marcy's eyes slowly opened as everyone gasped. "Marcy!" Sasha and Anne cry as they both pull Marcy up, hugging her tightly.

     "Oh Marcy! I'm so glad you're okay!" Anne cries.

     "I'm so glad you're awake, we have to get out of here!" Sasha says.

     Marcy looked incredibly confused. She started looking around her surroundings. "I'm..."

     "What..?" Anne asks.

     "Who... who are you..?" She whispers.

     A/N/ And that's how Amphibia ends!

     Jk lol we still have more to go through 😂

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