Chapter 5- Sasha

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Sasha had never felt so nervous in her life. There was a whole army of toads in front of her, waiting for her to speak. Sasha quickly cleared her throat. "Hello. I thank you toads for coming here."

    The toads had a look of anger plastered on their face. Sasha gulped. This was definitely not going as planned. "I know we took the defeat at Newtopia, we have to fight back."

     "No duh, Sasha!" A toad shouts. "You promised us that the toads would gain control of Newtopia!"

     "I know what I said," Sasha insists. "But I was wrong. The king.. he is pure evil! And us? We are no better. The best option right now is to defeat the king, we could save everyone!"

     "We don't fight to save others, we fight for ourselves," one toad says, as the whole crowd starts agreeing.

   Oh god, Sasha thinks. I am definitely done for.

     "I know!" Sasha says. "I know you gain nothing from this. But if we don't fight back, the king will only continue to get stronger! He will take over everything! Even this little town! We can't let him do this!"

     Silence filled the crowd as Sasha took another deep breath. "I haven't been a good general.. I haven't been a good friend. But now... I'm ready to risk my life to save everyone here. That includes you toads. That includes all the frogs! That includes every amphibian on this world! Right now, the focus isn't to gain control. It's to save everyone." Sasha takes out her sword and throws it onto the grounds blade first. It sticks standing up. "I ask you humbly to help me defeat the king before it gets out of hand."
     Grime gave Sasha a thumbs up, something she taught him. It made her smile slightly as she turns back to the crowd. One toad in particular comes up to her. The one back from the toad tower.

     "Tell us what to do," the toad says, as the whole crowd starts nodding with approval.

     Sasha smiles. "No... let's figure it out together."

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