Chapter 36- Anne

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A/N/ we're skipping Marcy's pov this time.. you'll find out why : )

Anne was tired of running.

She banged on the door of the palace. "I'm here," she announces. "Fight me you coward. Or are you too scared to get your ass kicked by a 13 year old girl again?" The door slowly creaked open. Huh, that actually worked? Anne thinks.

She slowly entered the palace cautiously, activating her powers. She had one goal at the moment. Kill Andrias.

It was darker than usual. "Come out!" Anne shouts. "I know you're in here, Andrias!" Nothing. Huh. What a coward.

Suddenly, Anne heard a small sound from the other side of the hall. She jumped up quickly as a laser bullet shot straight underneath her. She looked at the direction where the bullet came from. Andrias stood there, tall and mighty.

"Oh, did you want to kill another 13 year old kid?" Anne mutters, clenching her fists.

"Anne, what happened to her was not my fault," he says in a regretful tone.

"OF COURSE IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" Anne screams, kicking off from the floor causing her to fly forward to him full force. She attempted to punch him but he pulled out his shield, blocking her just in time. "IT WAS YOU! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" She continued forcing her fist onto the shield, causing it to slowly crack.

"I never wanted her to be The Host," Andrias argues, forcefully pushing Anne off of the shield. "Being apart of the hive mind doesn't make her dead either!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Anne screams, stopping for just a moment. "You haven't realized yet?! Marcy is dead!"

His eyes widened, his arm slowly lowering. "What..?"

"And.." Anne continues. "It's your fault!"

"That's impossible, she couldn't have died unless The Core-" he gasped, slowly taking his crown off, examining it. Anne was rather confused, but she didn't have the time for that.

She charged at him again. She grabbed one of the marble pillars, throwing it straight at Andrias. It hit him, causing him to stumble a little but nothing more, considering his size. "Anne, it wasn't my intention-"

"Was it your intention to stab her in the back?!" Anne screams, flying straight at him. He pulled out the handle of the sword, pressing a button which caused the laser part to shoot out. The sword! Anne thinks, panicking. She had a rush of PTSD.

He lifted the sword, slicing towards her. It cut a small layer into her chest, causing her to fall backwards, gripping it tightly in pain. "Aah..!" She winced, holding herself tight. Not now..! Anne thinks. Not now!!

"I'm sorry, Anne," Andrias says. "It was never my intent to get her killed. But I still have to go on with this. And if you're getting in my way.." he lifted the sword up to her again as Anne sat on the floor, just watching in horror.

You can't die here, Anne thinks. She knew she couldn't. She... she would make through with at least one promise... bringing Sasha home.

     Anne shut her eyes tightly, hiding her head with her arms. She just wanted to get it over with. At the very least, she'd be with Marcy.

     Anne slowly opened her eyes when the realized nothing was happening. She looked around before realizing she was in Newtopia. Outside with all the beautiful buildings. Everything was... normal. But it just wasn't.

     Anne slowly looked around. "Why am I here..?" She mutters. She heard a voice. She turned around to see a small pink frog. She immediately thought of Sprig, but it wasn't him. It was a female? Next to a short toad. Anne never seen a frog and a toad in Newtopia before.

     "Tolous," the frog whispers to the toad. "I'm worried for Andrias." Anne froze. Andrias? She thinks. Where am I? In some sort of strange simulation?

The toad, who Anne presumed as Tolous, nodded. "He's been out of control with the box lately. What can we do? He's the king, Lidia."

"I want to help him," The pink frog, Lidia, says sadly. "He's going down a bad road.. I'm not sure if he can go back." She looked into his eyes. "But all I know is we must get that calamity box." Anne gasped. The calamity box..?

"Let's talk to him first," Tolous insists. "Please. I'm sure we can work something out. He's our friend."

"He's hoarding creatures from other worlds!" Lidia insists. She hesitated but sighed. "Who knows what he's doing with them!"

Tolous sighed. "I suppose you're right, Lidia. Let's confront him."

The scenery suddenly shifted as if it was a video being fast forwarded. They were in the basement. Lidia looked up into Andrias's eyes with tears running down. "How could you, Andrias?!" She screams. "All these creatures, they don't belong here!"

"Lidia, Tolous, it's not what you think, I'm only-"

"No!" Tolous yells, pointing his finger at Andrias. "We saw it all! You're hurting these creatures! It's just disgusting! You have to send them back!"

"That isn't going to happen," Andrias says quietly, slowly stepping towards them. Lidia and Tolous made eye contact.

"Lidia!" He yells. "Grab the box!" He suddenly grabbed Andrias's leg, lifting it up, causing Andrias to fall backward. Tolous's eyes glew pink. Anne gasped. It couldn't be...

Lidia quickly grabbed the box, opening it causing her to teleport out of the palace to who knows where. But Anne knew... Earth. Andrias turned to Tolous in disgust. "My own friend.. how could you.." He mutters, pulling out the sword handle, pressing a button which caused lasers to shoot out.

"Andrias please," Tolous begs, but it was too late. Andrias raised the sword and slashed through Tolous, his own friend. Anne couldn't watch as she turned away. She felt a slight tear run down her face. Was that what happened..?

Anne opened her eyes slowly to see herself back where she was, in the front of the palace halls. Anne looked up and saw the sword coming straight at her. Anne just lifted her hand. As soon as the sword made the slightest contact with her, it flew straight out of his hands. "Andrias.." Anne whispers, standing up, slowly. "You... you were the original heart... weren't you..?"

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